Some great ideas --Thanks! I think I might go with the gel stain first. I can always
go with taking it to bare wood and restaining if that doesn't work. Sending wifey out
for a cherry table was good too, but she has been looking for one (tea table) for a
couple years! The only one we found was over $400! Today we got this oak one, perfect
in every way except it is not cherry, for only $25! Thanks, John
On Sun, 13 Apr 2008 00:12:11 GMT, Johnny_A_58 <[email protected]>
> Sending wifey out
>for a cherry table was good too, but she has been looking for one (tea table) for a
>couple years! The only one we found was over $400! Today we got this oak one, perfect
>in every way except it is not cherry, for only $25!
Cool... <G>
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