Gary Dean

25/06/2004 7:01 PM

Adirondack Chair

I am planning to build a couple of these chairs but, please excuse an
ignorant Brit, how do you pronounce "Adirondack"?

This topic has 4 replies


in reply to Gary Dean on 25/06/2004 7:01 PM

25/06/2004 6:19 PM

ad er _ron_ dack
Work at your leisure!


dave in fairfax

in reply to Gary Dean on 25/06/2004 7:01 PM

26/06/2004 1:27 AM

Gary Dean wrote:
> I am planning to build a couple of these chairs but, please excuse an
> ignorant Brit, how do you pronounce "Adirondack"?

Just an after thought, have you looked at "Jakes" chairs? Same
idea, possibly more comfortable.
Dave in Fairfax
Dave Leader
reply-to doesn't work
daveldr at att dot net
American Association of Woodturners
Capital Area Woodturners


in reply to dave in fairfax on 26/06/2004 1:27 AM

26/06/2004 6:23 AM

>Just an after thought, have you looked at "Jakes" chairs? Same
>idea, possibly more comfortable.
>Dave in Fairfax

How do you pronounce that? ;) Tom
Work at your leisure!


Bill Rogers

in reply to Gary Dean on 25/06/2004 7:01 PM

25/06/2004 6:38 PM

On Fri, 25 Jun 2004 19:01:07 +0100, Gary Dean <[email protected]>

>I am planning to build a couple of these chairs but, please excuse an
>ignorant Brit, how do you pronounce "Adirondack"?

We say toma[y]to and you say toma[h]to.

Depends on which part of the continent you're from. Here, its as
written with the "i" as in "it".

...Ad [as in Add]
"i" [as in it]
ron [as in Ronald]
dack [as in dack?]


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