"J. Clarke"

25/06/2004 7:11 AM

Ipe for cutting boards or kitchen counters (ref earlier thread)

I recall a thread on ipe for cutting boards or kitchen counters (I forget
which) a while back, but it's scrolled off my server, otherwise I'd post
this as a reply on that thread. I was concerned about possible risks from
lapochol at that time. Since then I came across
<http://www.rain-tree.com/paudarco.htm>. Googling "tabebuia herb" and "pau
d'arco herb" will get more information. Looks like maybe Lapochol and the
other chemicals in ipe aren't particularly bad stuff to consume as long as
you don't develop an allergy--in fact they may actually be good for you in
moderation. Also has natural antibacterial and antifungal properties,
which would be good in a kitchen. Have no idea what it would do for the
taste of food prepared on it. Not _recommending_ this you understand, but
thought that the information might be helpful to someone considering it.

Reply to jclarke at ae tee tee global dot net
(was jclarke at eye bee em dot net)