Pedophiles are the new scapegoats, just as Jews were in the past.
Pedo philes are innocent if they have not used force, deception,
or drugs, and if their acts have been consentual.
Below is evidence that pedophilia is not harmful.
The pe do philia scare is a fake. It is not harmful. That is why they
refuse to allow anyone to discuss the issue openly. It would reveal
that there is much evidence that it is harmless and can be
The anthropologist Gilbert Herdt on the culture of the Sambia people.
The Rind Report
The book, "Harmful to Minors" by Judith Levine
The book, "Love Against Hate" by Karl Meninger
Other sources for consideration:
The Kinsey Report.
The Gay Report.
The sex hysteria is being used as a pretext to distract the people
from the failings of the government and to make them fear the
government. This is called the red-herring strategy in politics. The
hunting dog chases the herring that has been dragged across the trail,
while the fox gets away. The hunting dog that gets fooled in this case
is the populace.