Trying to make the 2"X2" slabs with fabric between several that
"cascade/tumble" as the top slab is flipped over, then reverse the
flipping as the top slab is flipped the other direction. They hang
down from the top one but I don't recall the name if I ever knew. Two
youngest grand kids are first grade and preschool and it has been
many, make that MANY, years since I've seen one. Latest attempt was
Gel Super Glue that held fairly well but wouldn't take the challenge
of active youngsters for very long I fear. Considered epoxy but how
does one mix components for a couple of drops for each juncture of
fabric and wood without buying a gallon? Spacing of the slabs is
important as I found out when the space between slabs was just a
smidgen too small and when folding the fabric separated from the wood.
Tried another fabric with less success prior to polyester. Wife is a
quilter and am using what I recall is called Basting Tape, thin strips
of material involved with sewing. Wanted to refer to my wife as a
"quilter/sewer" but the language doesn't always support
communications, I wasn't meaning mail line to the city dump but one
that sews. NOT trying to expand the adhesive variety any more than
required for a fun SMALL project that has already taken more than a
week experimenting. Contractor is working on new extended garage that
will function as a woodshop and inadequate electrical circuits in the
existing garage disallow my using tools while they use the garage
circuits for small compressor for nailing. More than you wanted to
know I'm sure.