All either unused, or in excellent condition.
1 Record #7 plane, with Lee Valley A2 blade + wooden handles, $100
1 Stanley #90 rabbet/chisel plane, $25
1 Record low angle block plane, $25
1 Diamond sharpening stone, 6 inches, medium grit, including a wooden
box, $25
1 glue gun with sticks, $15
1 halogen lamp, $10
1 Stanley "Fat Max" saw (unused), $10
1 (hand) Sandvik keyhole saw (unused), $5
1 Starret folding rule (unused), $10
1 Lee Valley palm carving set, 6 tools + brass mallet (unused), $20
1 Lee Valley 6 inch plastic dial caliper, $5
1 Porter Cable precision router edge guide #42690, $15
1 Wen 7 inch 2 speed sander polisher/polisher (used once), $20
Or, the whole lot for $200.