Just stopped in to a neighbor's house where there was a house-contents
sale going on.
Picked up an old Stanley Bit Brace No. 945 - 10" in near perfect
condition with a Pexto Samson Clarks Pattern #50 Expansive Bit with 2
cutters for boring 1/2" to 7/8", and 7/8" to 1-1/2". The Brace looks
like it may be Nickel plated. Got 'em for $6.
Got a pretty old Disston hand saw for $2.50 which needs a good clean-up,
but the teeth look pretty good. Threw in another saw, but it's too
rusty/dirty to make out what the manufacturer is. Signature looks
vaguely like perhaps a C. E. Jeming - can't really tell yet till I clean
it up. Any ideas out there as to how best to clean these while
preserving the worn writing on the blade?
And picked up an old Stanley low-angle block plane in pretty fair user
condition, already fettled and sharp for 10 bucks.
He threw in a stack of free wood - about 40 small rough-sawn boards of
about 2'x5"x1/4" with a pair of small nail holes at each end, so maybe
they were parts of crates at one time. The wood looks very old, but not
warped or twisted at all, so maybe they will be usable for some kind of
project down the road. Any ideas?
On Sat, 22 Apr 2006 14:10:23 -0400, Sailaway <[email protected]>
>Just stopped in to a neighbor's house where there was a house-contents
>sale going on.
You kinda' suck a little. <G>