If have ever heard of Darrell Peart you will know he is master furniture bu=
ilder concentrating in the Greene and Greene style. Probably the preeminent=
expert in the field. He has really studied the history of their designs an=
d work and builds reproductions and his own G&G inspired designs, very true=
to the style. He has been given access to some of the best collections and=
allowed to study, measure and document them.=20
He has a new book coming out soon which covers specific design elements of =
the style and looks like it has a few plans included. You can pre-order sig=
ned copies and get them a few weeks before available publicly. Visit http:/=
I have no affiliation or stake in this project. I just heard about it in hi=
s newsletter. I've taken a class from Darrell and spoken with him a few tim=
es at events, etc. He is a really great guy and teacher and would freely sh=
are everything in this book if you had the time to ask him personally. I ju=
st wanted to pass this along to anyone who might have an interest in G&G.
> Does he periodically work as a docent at Gamble House in Pasadena? =20
Quite possible. He is very connected with all the sites like Gamble and get=
s to touch and play with all the stuff the rest of just get to gaze at. I k=
now he actually had one of their pieces xrayed to prove that the Greene's b=
uilders used screws to attach the cloud lifts. He has a photo of the xray i=
n one of his earlier books.
On 10 May 2013 in rec.woodworking, SonomaProducts.com wrote:
> If have ever heard of Darrell Peart you will know he is master
> furniture builder concentrating in the Greene and Greene style.
Does he periodically work as a docent at Gamble House in Pasadena? We
toured there this winter. One of the tours, not being offered the day we
were there, was with a furniture maker.
Joe Makowiec
Email: http://makowiec.org/contact/?Joe
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