Just found this website tonight. If you can get through PodCast #25 without
picking up your hand plane and making shavings, than you have better will
power than I!
"In the land of the blind, the one-eyed man is king."
Desiderius Erasmus
On Wed, 30 Apr 2008 09:04:16 -0400, Otoe wrote:
> seeing the card scraper video,I searched for a scraper I bought years
> ago but never used. Did a first pass of sharpening and started
> scraping. I got some shavings and dust but the glue smear is gone and
> smooth enough to put finish on.
I just got done reading the latest Woodworking Magazine and there's a tip
in there for using razor blades as scrapers in a pinch. Put it to work
on a glue up later that night.
On Tue, 29 Apr 2008 21:20:04 -0400, "Garage_Woodworks" <.@.> wrote:
>Just found this website tonight. If you can get through PodCast #25 without
>picking up your hand plane and making shavings, than you have better will
>power than I!
Your posting was very timely for me. I had some glue smeared on the
face of a table I'm making. The glue is near an inside corner and I
didn't like the idea of using sandpaper and making things worse.
After seeing the card scraper video,I searched for a scraper
I bought years ago but never used. Did a first pass of sharpening
and started scraping. I got some shavings and dust but the
glue smear is gone and smooth enough to put finish on.
All I've got to do now is a little sanding, a few coats of
shellac, attach hardware, and I'm done.
The table is a Huntboard, six legged version out of
Popular Woodworking a few years ago.
Thanks for the website pointer,