"Randy Chapman"

16/07/2004 4:33 AM

M12V router and Rosseau router plate installation kit


Looking for some "smack me around and call me stupid" advice here. I got
the Rosseau router plate and installation kit, to use with my M12V. Here's
my trouble -- the install kit comes with a bushing designed to screw through
a 1 1/8th hole (it's got both male and female parts, so it doesn't need a
threaded hole).

How am I supposed to go about attaching said bushing to said router?

The only thing that comes to mind immediately -- and I think this should
work fine, but it seems like the hard way -- is to cut a new baseplate out
of 3/8" or 1/2" ply, and drop a 1 1/8th hole in it (dead center, of course,
which makes it a little trickier), and use that for the bushing.

Please tell me I'm being stupid and that there's an easier way :-)


This topic has 1 replies


"Randy Chapman"

in reply to "Randy Chapman" on 16/07/2004 4:33 AM

16/07/2004 4:52 AM

Sigh. Told you it was a stupid question. Lo and behold, in the m12v box
was a part I hadn't spied before -- an adapter for exactly this use. Why am
I not surprised? :-)

Thanks for putting up with stupid questions :-)


"Randy Chapman" <[email protected]> wrote in message
> Folks,
> Looking for some "smack me around and call me stupid" advice here. I got
> the Rosseau router plate and installation kit, to use with my M12V.
> my trouble -- the install kit comes with a bushing designed to screw
> a 1 1/8th hole (it's got both male and female parts, so it doesn't need a
> threaded hole).
> How am I supposed to go about attaching said bushing to said router?
> The only thing that comes to mind immediately -- and I think this should
> work fine, but it seems like the hard way -- is to cut a new baseplate out
> of 3/8" or 1/2" ply, and drop a 1 1/8th hole in it (dead center, of
> which makes it a little trickier), and use that for the bushing.
> Please tell me I'm being stupid and that there's an easier way :-)
> thanks,
> --randy

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