

30/09/2004 1:54 PM

FYI: Wetzler clamp site

Wetzler Clamp Co. is now fully selling online, site completed with shopping capability.


This topic has 3 replies


[email protected] (Never Enough Money)

in reply to "AAvK" on 30/09/2004 1:54 PM

01/10/2004 6:26 AM

The bar clamps look nice. Wonder how they compare to Bessey?

Enjoyed the two galleries, too. Stunning work!

"AAvK" <[email protected]> wrote in message news:<vn_6d.3566$mS1.1079@fed1read05>...
> Wetzler Clamp Co. is now fully selling online, site completed with shopping capability.
> http://www.wetzler.com/
> Alex


[email protected] (Never Enough Money)

in reply to "AAvK" on 30/09/2004 1:54 PM

02/10/2004 7:00 AM

Got the answer to my own question....

The October 2004 Issue (#172) of Fine Woodworking (FWW) evaluated the
Wetzler bar clamp. Seems Jorgenson's model beat Wetzler's. FWW said
Wetzler's was unstable on the bench top -- hard to turn the crank when
it bumps into the table.

I don't think that's a very big negative since I rarely use clamps
that close to a table surface, though.

[email protected] (Never Enough Money) wrote in message news:<[email protected]>...
> The bar clamps look nice. Wonder how they compare to Bessey?


[email protected] (Never Enough Money)

in reply to "AAvK" on 30/09/2004 1:54 PM

02/10/2004 7:01 AM

Kinda nice to buy American now and then though! Wetzler is American.

[email protected] (Never Enough Money) wrote in message news:<[email protected]>...
> The bar clamps look nice. Wonder how they compare to Bessey?
> Enjoyed the two galleries, too. Stunning work!
> "AAvK" <[email protected]> wrote in message news:<vn_6d.3566$mS1.1079@fed1read05>...
> > Wetzler Clamp Co. is now fully selling online, site completed with shopping capability.
> > http://www.wetzler.com/
> >
> > Alex

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