
" Irwin @ GBWG"

12/08/2004 9:35 PM

woodturning tips & jigs wanted

Hi again from the Grey-Bruce Woodturning Guild in beautiful Kincardine,
Ontario, Canada.

We are in the process of building an online educational archive of turning
hints, tips, and jigs. If any of you have good material and ideas for the
archive, we'd sure love to hear from you. We are a volunteer organization
and access to the archive will be free . . . so we are not in a position to
pay for this material, but most certainly will include full credit to the
author or designer of the material (including a link back to your turning
web site, if you'd like).

We'd be grateful for any assistance from the turning community at large.
Please send your ideas to [email protected].
Also, please feel free to check out our woodtuning web site @ www.gbwg.ca.
We welcome your general comments, feedback and ideas, anytime.

Thanks in advance.
Best regards,

Irwin Seidman
Web Administrator
Grey-Bruce Woodturners Guild