On Sep 6, 2:48 pm, Patriarch <[email protected]> wrote:
> http://www.siliconvalley.com/ci_6814729?nclick_check=1
> This is one of the many reasons that many of us don't like this
> merchandising method.
> Patriarch
I would be interested in reading the article, but it requires a user
name and password. Can you relate the contents?
Ed Bennett
[email protected]
Home of the TS-Aligner
On Sep 6, 2:09 pm, Ed Bennett <[email protected]> wrote:
> On Sep 6, 2:48 pm, Patriarch <[email protected]> wrote:
> >http://www.siliconvalley.com/ci_6814729?nclick_check=1
> > This is one of the many reasons that many of us don't like this
> > merchandising method.
> > Patriarch
> I would be interested in reading the article, but it requires a user
> name and password. Can you relate the contents?
Haven't looked at that specific link, but it probably refers to the
article I read on one of the national news sites (might have been cnn)
this afternoon.
That article was about a small electronics company in San Jose that
sells many of their products through Fry's Electronics. When you send
a rebate form for one of that company's products that you bought at
Fry's, it is processed by that small company. Apparently, somebody
working for that small company threw away about 1300 unopened
envelopes containing rebate requests, IN SOMEBODY ELSE'S DUMPSTER!
Never would have come to light if the business that owned the dumpster
hadn't found the envelopes in the dumpster and made some noise about
On Sep 6, 4:35 pm, Jerry <[email protected]> wrote:
> Haven't looked at that specific link, but it probably refers to the
> article I read on one of the national news sites (might have been cnn)
> this afternoon.
> That article was about a small electronics company in San Jose that
> sells many of their products through Fry's Electronics. When you send
> a rebate form for one of that company's products that you bought at
> Fry's, it is processed by that small company. Apparently, somebody
> working for that small company threw away about 1300 unopened
> envelopes containing rebate requests, IN SOMEBODY ELSE'S DUMPSTER!
> Never would have come to light if the business that owned the dumpster
> hadn't found the envelopes in the dumpster and made some noise about
> it.
> Jerry
Thanks Jerry. I believe that it would be viewed exactly the same as
if a company accepted orders by mail, pocketed the money, but did not
send the goods. It's potentially 1300 counts of mail fraud. Geez,
somebody's in for a lot of free room and board!
Well, I think it goes without saying that nothing like this is going
to happen in my ...uh...er... "cash back reward program". First of
all, I have no employees in charge of (or even remotely involved with)
it. Second of all, the local dumpster is shared by everyone in the
building ;-)
I've already sent payment for all the rebate forms that I have
received so far. I think that I should probably work on the web site
and the form some more. I understand why people feel the way they
do. It's unfortunate. I'm sure that all sorts of horror stories can
be cited to justify those feelings. That said, I'm sure that the
program won't be over before I encounter at least one person who,
having never made a purchase, and having never sent in a form, will
try to collect some money from me. I've had all sorts of bizarre
claims over the years so I pretty much expect it. You won't read
about it in the papers and it won't dissuade me from being fair and
generous with legitimate customers.
Ed Bennett
[email protected]
Home of the TS-Aligner
OK Folks. All re-done. the "r" word has been obliterated. It is now
a "Cash-back Reward Program". Some other changes have been made to
alleviate fears.
Please feel free to give me more feedback.
Thanks for all your help.
Ed Bennett
[email protected]
Home of the TS-Aligner
On Sep 8, 5:07 pm, Rick <[email protected]> wrote:
> Chris Dubea wrote:
> > Hi Ed,
> > I've been a long time lurker here and am amazed at your tenacity. For
> > whatever reason, your posts always seem to create firestorms of
> > controversy and to be honest, I don't know why.
> > I have looked at you products and being a former small business owner,
> > applaud your creativity and longevity. That takes, talent, hard work
> > luck and luck.
> > Please keep up what you are doing and don't let the pundits dull your
> > enthusiasm. People like you are the backbone of the rec.
> > cheers,
> > ===========================================================================
> > Chris
> I'm with Chris on this one. Maybe because I am also a former small
> business owner and know just how tough it is to succeed in the
> marketplace. Keep doing what your doing Ed. Finding a means to serve
> yourself, your dealers, and your customers in one fell swoop is difficult.
> Rick- Hide quoted text -
> - Show quoted text -
Thanks guys! I appreciate the encouragement a great deal.
I get frustrated with rebates in general because it often seems I just
buy the product and the rebate comes out. That happened with my ts-
aligner jr. I just got it a week before the rebate came out. If I
knew the rebate was coming out, I would have waited and bought the
model with a mid-range dial which would have come with a case. I am
good at following through on rebates when I do get them.
I am a fairly new woodworker and want to get the best for my shop,
while at the same time keeping my costs down (as do most hobbyist
woodworkers I would think). I accept that I missed the time line. I
feel the product is worth it or I wouldn't have purchased it, I just
get a bit miffed as most buyers would.
The TS-Aligner Jr. is a great product. I especially enjoyed the
included dvd and the background of the product and visual applications
of the product. I bought this because I am (was) having a challenge
setting my jointer knives and this product seems the best all around
product to do that along with all the other measuring and setting I
will need to do.
As an FYI, I have since purchase a plastic case ($4.00) and some high
density foam ($6.50) and cut out spaces for the product and saved
On Sep 9, 8:12 am, "Swingman" <[email protected]> wrote:
> Contrary to what was stated, there was no "firestorm of controversy.
> Instead, there was pertinent discussion that gave the man RESPECTFUL,
> valuable insight, _from his customer base_ ... something that he could not
> have gotten from any other source.
Very true. I appreciated all of the feedback a great deal. There is
no other place where people are so eager to share such frank
opinions. And, the opportunity was certainly made to discuss the
opinions in enough detail to remove any doubt about their sincerity.
> AAMOF, I'm willing to bet that Ed will admit to benefitting from the thread
> in more ways than one. :)
Absolutely! Spending time in the wreck is always beneficial.
Ed Bennett
[email protected]
Home of the TS-Aligner
On Sep 9, 10:08 am, Maxwell Lol <[email protected]> wrote:
> Kudos, Ed. I have no need of this as I already own one. But the fact
> that you as a business man use this forum, and defend your opionins
> while listening (and adapting) to the views of others earns you a "Top
> Seller" rating in my book.
On Sep 9, 1:20 pm, ddakadmc <[email protected]> wrote:
> I get frustrated with rebates in general because it often seems I just
> buy the product and the rebate comes out. That happened with myts-alignerjr. I just got it a week before the rebate came out. If I
> knew the rebate was coming out, I would have waited and bought the
> model with a mid-range dial which would have come with a case. I am
> good at following through on rebates when I do get them.
> I am a fairly new woodworker and want to get the best for my shop,
> while at the same time keeping my costs down (as do most hobbyist
> woodworkers I would think). I accept that I missed the time line. I
> feel the product is worth it or I wouldn't have purchased it, I just
> get a bit miffed as most buyers would.
> TheTS-AlignerJr. is a great product. I especially enjoyed the
> included dvd and the background of the product and visual applications
> of the product. I bought this because I am (was) having a challenge
> setting my jointer knives and this product seems the best all around
> product to do that along with all the other measuring and setting I
> will need to do.
> As an FYI, I have since purchase a plastic case ($4.00) and some high
> density foam ($6.50) and cut out spaces for the product and saved
> $26.48.
> Doug
Hi Doug,
Every unit shipped to a dealer through the month of August included
the reb... ahem, reward form. I did that in an effort to avoid your
very situation. So, I assume you purchased directly from me (web or
phone) rather than from a dealer. Since the pricing at dealers is
generally less than list price, I'm sure you had other reasons for
your choice. For example, Chad's Toolbox price on the Jr. Basic is
already 10% less than list.
When people ask, I pretty much tell them that my price on the case is
outrageous (my cost is about $26). That's why I offer a version of
the Jr. without the case (Jr. Basic). If you're willing to invest
some time and effort, you can have as nice or even a better case for
considerably less.
On Sep 9, 10:28 am, "Swingman" <[email protected]> wrote:
> "Ed Bennett" wrote in message
> > OK Folks. All re-done. the "r" word has been obliterated. It is now
> > a "Cash-back Reward Program". Some other changes have been made to
> > alleviate fears.
> >http://www.ts-aligner.com/announcements.htm
> > Please feel free to give me more feedback.
> > Thanks for all your help.
> Well done ... upfront, to the point, and honestly and clearly stated.
> IMO, this wording works nicely and has the added effect of removing the
> taint/connation associated with the current retail practice of "mail-in
> rebate".
> Here's hoping you have better luck with a "dealer incentive program" as a
> result.
> --www.e-woodshop.net
> Last update: 8/8/07
> KarlC@ (the obvious)
Thanks! While it's still not ideal, I do believe that the program is
vastly improved. Thanks to all who contributed!
On Sep 12, 9:46 am, [email protected] (Jerome Meekings)
> You do not mention on the web page that the customer has to be in USA as
> well as the dealer.
Hmmmm.... Good point. Actually, I'm more worried about sending
payments outside the US than I am about where the dealer is. I'll
work on it.
Thanks Jerome!
On Sep 13, 1:09 pm, "Swingman" <[email protected]> wrote:
> FWIW, here's a down and dirty T-S Aligner Jr Basic case:
> http://www.e-woodshop.net/Jigs.htm#TSJrCase
> Less than $8 for hinges/clasp, after a pass through the scrap pile and a
> couple of hours letting the glue/shellac dry. Not fine furniture, but does
> the job and would be a bargain at twice the price. :)
Bravo! Heck of a lot nicer than the plastic case. Gee, could you
quote that in quantities of 100? ;-)
Ed Bennett <[email protected]> wrote:
> OK Folks. All re-done. the "r" word has been obliterated. It is now
> a "Cash-back Reward Program". Some other changes have been made to
> alleviate fears.
> http://www.ts-aligner.com/announcements.htm
> Please feel free to give me more feedback.
> Thanks for all your help.
You do not mention on the web page that the customer has to be in USA as
well as the dealer.
>replace spamblock with my family name to e-mail me
>Pics at http://www.meekings.net/diving/index.shtml
>and http://www.meekings.net/photo-groups/nui/index.shtml
Chris Dubea wrote:
> On Fri, 07 Sep 2007 15:04:20 -0700, Ed Bennett <[email protected]>
> wrote:
>> OK Folks. All re-done. the "r" word has been obliterated. It is now
>> a "Cash-back Reward Program". Some other changes have been made to
>> alleviate fears.
>> http://www.ts-aligner.com/announcements.htm
>> Please feel free to give me more feedback.
>> Thanks for all your help.
>> Ed Bennett
>> [email protected]
>> http://www.ts-aligner.com
>> Home of the TS-Aligner
> Hi Ed,
> I've been a long time lurker here and am amazed at your tenacity. For
> whatever reason, your posts always seem to create firestorms of
> controversy and to be honest, I don't know why.
> I have looked at you products and being a former small business owner,
> applaud your creativity and longevity. That takes, talent, hard work
> luck and luck.
> Please keep up what you are doing and don't let the pundits dull your
> enthusiasm. People like you are the backbone of the rec.
> cheers,
> ===========================================================================
> Chris
I'm with Chris on this one. Maybe because I am also a former small
business owner and know just how tough it is to succeed in the
marketplace. Keep doing what your doing Ed. Finding a means to serve
yourself, your dealers, and your customers in one fell swoop is difficult.
Ed Bennett <[email protected]> writes:
> http://www.ts-aligner.com/announcements.htm
> Please feel free to give me more feedback.
Kudos, Ed. I have no need of this as I already own one. But the fact
that you as a business man use this forum, and defend your opionins
while listening (and adapting) to the views of others earns you a "Top
Seller" rating in my book.
"Ed Bennett" wrote in message
> When people ask, I pretty much tell them that my price on the case is
> outrageous (my cost is about $26). That's why I offer a version of
> the Jr. without the case (Jr. Basic). If you're willing to invest
> some time and effort, you can have as nice or even a better case for
> considerably less.
FWIW, here's a down and dirty T-S Aligner Jr Basic case:
Less than $8 for hinges/clasp, after a pass through the scrap pile and a
couple of hours letting the glue/shellac dry. Not fine furniture, but does
the job and would be a bargain at twice the price. :)
Last update: 8/8/07
KarlC@ (the obvious)
Username: [email protected]
Password: noregs2
This one got me in.
Courtesy of www.bugmenot.com which supplies access info for
thousands of sites requiring PITA registration.
"Ed Bennett" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> On Sep 6, 2:48 pm, Patriarch <[email protected]> wrote:
> > http://www.siliconvalley.com/ci_6814729?nclick_check=1
> >
> > This is one of the many reasons that many of us don't like this
> > merchandising method.
> >
> > Patriarch
> I would be interested in reading the article, but it requires a user
> name and password. Can you relate the contents?
> Thanks,
> Ed Bennett
> [email protected]
> http://www.ts-aligner.com
> Home of the TS-Aligner
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"Ed Bennett" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> On Sep 6, 2:48 pm, Patriarch <[email protected]> wrote:
>> http://www.siliconvalley.com/ci_6814729?nclick_check=1
>> This is one of the many reasons that many of us don't like this
>> merchandising method.
>> Patriarch
> I would be interested in reading the article, but it requires a user
> name and password. Can you relate the contents?
> Thanks,
> Ed Bennett
> [email protected]
> http://www.ts-aligner.com
> Home of the TS-Aligner
begin 666 spacer.gif
K1TE&.#EA`0`!`( ``$9&1@```"'Y! $`````+ `````!``$```("1 $`.P``
one of the topics
Tech Talk: Unopened rebate requests found in San Jose dumpster
"Ed Bennett" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> On Sep 6, 2:48 pm, Patriarch <[email protected]> wrote:
>> http://www.siliconvalley.com/ci_6814729?nclick_check=1
>> This is one of the many reasons that many of us don't like this
>> merchandising method.
>> Patriarch
> I would be interested in reading the article, but it requires a user
> name and password. Can you relate the contents?
> Thanks,
> Ed Bennett
> [email protected]
> http://www.ts-aligner.com
> Home of the TS-Aligner
Jerry <[email protected]> wrote in news:1189118132.108556.166420@
> On Sep 6, 2:09 pm, Ed Bennett <[email protected]> wrote:
>> On Sep 6, 2:48 pm, Patriarch <[email protected]> wrote:
>> >http://www.siliconvalley.com/ci_6814729?nclick_check=1
>> > This is one of the many reasons that many of us don't like this
>> > merchandising method.
>> > Patriarch
>> I would be interested in reading the article, but it requires a user
>> name and password. Can you relate the contents?
> Haven't looked at that specific link, but it probably refers to the
> article I read on one of the national news sites (might have been cnn)
> this afternoon.
> That article was about a small electronics company in San Jose that
> sells many of their products through Fry's Electronics. When you send
> a rebate form for one of that company's products that you bought at
> Fry's, it is processed by that small company. Apparently, somebody
> working for that small company threw away about 1300 unopened
> envelopes containing rebate requests, IN SOMEBODY ELSE'S DUMPSTER!
> Never would have come to light if the business that owned the dumpster
> hadn't found the envelopes in the dumpster and made some noise about
> it.
> Jerry
That's the one. And the flack about how folks absolutely hate the
rebate runaround. And the percentages that don't bother to send theirs
Sorry about the signup. I've been getting their morning epapers for
quite some time now, without ill effect.
Back to your regular programming...
"Rick" wrote in message news:
> I'm with Chris on this one. Maybe because I am also a former small
> business owner and know just how tough it is to succeed in the
> marketplace. Keep doing what your doing Ed. Finding a means to serve
> yourself, your dealers, and your customers in one fell swoop is difficult.
Quick, let's all get out our crying towels and wipe away the maudlin tears
brought about by this "firestorm of controversy"!!
Seems some are trying to make this sound like a 'pile on' on Ed took place
with regard to the "mail in rebate" discussion, and that was simply NOT the
Contrary to what was stated, there was no "firestorm of controversy.
Instead, there was pertinent discussion that gave the man RESPECTFUL,
valuable insight, _from his customer base_ ... something that he could not
have gotten from any other source.
AAMOF, I'm willing to bet that Ed will admit to benefitting from the thread
in more ways than one. :)
Last update: 8/08/07
KarlC@ (the obvious)
On Fri, 07 Sep 2007 15:04:20 -0700, Ed Bennett <[email protected]>
>OK Folks. All re-done. the "r" word has been obliterated. It is now
>a "Cash-back Reward Program". Some other changes have been made to
>alleviate fears.
>Please feel free to give me more feedback.
>Thanks for all your help.
>Ed Bennett
>[email protected]
>Home of the TS-Aligner
Hi Ed,
I've been a long time lurker here and am amazed at your tenacity. For
whatever reason, your posts always seem to create firestorms of
controversy and to be honest, I don't know why.
I have looked at you products and being a former small business owner,
applaud your creativity and longevity. That takes, talent, hard work
luck and luck.
Please keep up what you are doing and don't let the pundits dull your
enthusiasm. People like you are the backbone of the rec.
Posted via a free Usenet account from http://www.teranews.com
"Ed Bennett" wrote in message
> OK Folks. All re-done. the "r" word has been obliterated. It is now
> a "Cash-back Reward Program". Some other changes have been made to
> alleviate fears.
> http://www.ts-aligner.com/announcements.htm
> Please feel free to give me more feedback.
> Thanks for all your help.
Well done ... upfront, to the point, and honestly and clearly stated.
IMO, this wording works nicely and has the added effect of removing the
taint/connation associated with the current retail practice of "mail-in
Here's hoping you have better luck with a "dealer incentive program" as a
Last update: 8/8/07
KarlC@ (the obvious)
"Ed Bennett" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> On Sep 6, 2:48 pm, Patriarch <[email protected]> wrote:
>> http://www.siliconvalley.com/ci_6814729?nclick_check=1
>> This is one of the many reasons that many of us don't like this
>> merchandising method.
>> Patriarch
> I would be interested in reading the article, but it requires a user
> name and password. Can you relate the contents?
;~) I think the point was, that to simply read an article, you have to
sign up and give them personal information.