
charlie b

16/10/2004 12:45 PM

Coopered Door Cabinet - Joinery to accomodate knive hinges (semi-long)

Once again I've overcomplicated things and got myself
in a bind. The quick and dirty router bits cabinet lead
to coopered doors, which, in turn, lead to knife hinges.

(OK - so I'm a glutton for punishment)

Since I've got the JoinTech Cabinet Maker router
fence "system", doing stopped sliding dovetails
is relatively easy. And sliding dovetails let you
put things together that will hold themselves
together without a bunch of clamps or brads
or even any glue - and are easy to take apart.
They're also a strong way to join two pieces
of wood together.

SO - I joined the sides of the cabinet (along
with some of the internals) to the top AND
bottom of the cabinet with sliding dovetails.
Only after dry fitting everything together
and setting the coopered doors in place did
it become obvious (to me) that the top AND
bottom couldn't BOTH have sliding dovetails.

Here's the problem with illustrations
(all one line so watch the line wrap)


I can recut the male dovetails on the top
or bottom of the sides and make them
into "tongues" (tongue and groove) or
tenons then make a new top or bottom
with a stopped dado or some mortises.
I can cut off the top or bottom dovetails
and bisuit or dowel the sides to the
top or bottom (or pocket hole screw
the bottom on since they won't be

The cabinet's going to go on the wall
with a french cleat so there won't
be much weight for the bottom to

Joinery suggestions?

and any tips, hints etc. on installing
knife hinges will be appreciated.

charlie b

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Michael Baglio

in reply to charlie b on 16/10/2004 12:45 PM

17/10/2004 1:30 PM

On Sat, 16 Oct 2004 12:45:00 -0700, charlie b <[email protected]>

>Once again I've overcomplicated things and got myself in a bind.

Charlie, print out the above and shellac it to your bench. :)


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