I noticed the Tool dock system a few years ago and again yesterday on
I guess the appeal for me is just getting some of those bench
items(miter box, grinder) off the cabinet counter top in my garage. I
built cabinets all around the back and side of my double garage but seem
to keep covering up the counter tops!
Does anyone have experience with either the Tool Dock system or
another(including homemade)? For those not familiar with the product it
is a modular system of metal cabinets with some that have tops that
accept your bench tool(mounted on a piece of mdf) and tightens down on
the mdf base to grab it for working. When done you can release the
mounted bench tool and place it back in a tall cabinet with metal
runners that accept the mdf base.
I'm unsure about how to go about making a home version should I decide
to do it but am mulling it over.
Thanks for any ideas.