

28/12/2003 5:05 PM

OT OSB Price rise?

Why did OSB board get so pricey? Last year is was about $5.00 a sheet. Now
it's around $15.00 a sheet. What happened?
I was going to build a garage/shop in my back yard until I priced OSB.
I'm going to wait and see if the price comes back down in the near future.

This topic has 2 replies



in reply to "lrego" on 28/12/2003 5:05 PM

28/12/2003 5:04 PM

At least its coming down. Three months ago it was $20/sheet.

lrego wrote:

> Why did OSB board get so pricey? Last year is was about $5.00 a sheet. Now
> it's around $15.00 a sheet. What happened?
> I was going to build a garage/shop in my back yard until I priced OSB.
> I'm going to wait and see if the price comes back down in the near future.


B a r r y B u r k e J r .

in reply to "lrego" on 28/12/2003 5:05 PM

28/12/2003 10:10 PM

On Sun, 28 Dec 2003 17:05:26 -0500, "lrego" <[email protected]> wrote:

>Why did OSB board get so pricey? Last year is was about $5.00 a sheet. Now
>it's around $15.00 a sheet. What happened?
> I was going to build a garage/shop in my back yard until I priced OSB.
>I'm going to wait and see if the price comes back down in the near future.


Plenty of reading to keep you going until the price comes down. <G>


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