

29/10/2008 3:25 PM

Gluing MDO

I'm wondering if you can reliably glue to the paper surface of MDO. It
seems pretty slick and non-absorbant. What glue do you think would be
most reliable? Or, should I try to sand off the paper or roughen the
surface a bit.

This topic has 2 replies


Mike O.

in reply to greatviewcsc@hotmail.com on 29/10/2008 3:25 PM

29/10/2008 8:25 PM

On Wed, 29 Oct 2008 15:25:55 -0400, greatviewcsc@hotmail.com wrote:

>I'm wondering if you can reliably glue to the paper surface of MDO. It
>seems pretty slick and non-absorbant. What glue do you think would be
>most reliable? Or, should I try to sand off the paper or roughen the
>surface a bit.

Regular carpenter glue will not stick to the stuff. Construction
adhesive will and you can just dab some on with a putty knife or
something. The thing to remember though is that whatever you glue to
the paper is still only stuck as good as the paper.
On cabinet ends (when adding skins) we will try to scratch up the
paper to get to whatever is underneath. Sometimes you can find a
corner and just peel the crap off.

Mike O.



in reply to greatviewcsc@hotmail.com on 29/10/2008 3:25 PM

29/10/2008 8:26 PM

On Oct 29, 3:25 pm, greatview...@hotmail.com wrote:
> I'm wondering if you can reliably glue to the paper surface of MDO. It
> seems pretty slick and non-absorbant. What glue do you think would be
> most reliable? Or, should I try to sand off the paper or roughen the
> surface a bit.

contact cement... you may need more than one coat


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