I'm looking for plastic interlocking bead style flexible arm stuff, like
but from someplace like an industrial supply catalog with several
options for the mounts at each end. I can find various specialty
applications (at corresponding mark-up), but ideally I'd like a magnet
at one end and just a plate of some sort at the other so I can stick my
own custom mount to it.
On Nov 24, 2:28 pm, Gordon Airporte <[email protected]> wrote:
> I'm looking for plastic interlocking bead style flexible arm stuff, like
> this:http://www.pbase.com/image/75246564.jpg
> but from someplace like an industrial supply catalog with several
> options for the mounts at each end. I can find various specialty
> applications (at corresponding mark-up), but ideally I'd like a magnet
> at one end and just a plate of some sort at the other so I can stick my
> own custom mount to it.
Try http://www.moffattproducts.com/prod_flexarms_standard.htm. Moffat
Gordon Airporte wrote:
> I'm looking for plastic interlocking bead style flexible arm stuff, like
> this:
> http://www.pbase.com/image/75246564.jpg
> but from someplace like an industrial supply catalog with several
> options for the mounts at each end. I can find various specialty
> applications (at corresponding mark-up), but ideally I'd like a magnet
> at one end and just a plate of some sort at the other so I can stick my
> own custom mount to it.
Your picture looks just like some snap-loc line used for lubrication on
metal working tools (lathes, mills). I can't remember the last place I
got some, but it was fairly cheap and came with various fittings for
1/8" to 1/4" pipe fittings. You can buy it as bulk lengths or "kits"
with end fittings. It holds position pretty well, and I used it to
mount an LED on one end and snaked a wire up it (easiest when it's
straight). It doesn't do very well with high weight on the free end, but
otherwise works pretty well.