I did a Google search on "Shellac", as I have a project that I felt
could be (unconventionally) finished off with Shellac. I was so very
encouraged by the warm and witty advice of Paul T. Radovanic - I
thought what a nice guy - maybe I should email him and see what he
I had not "sorted" my search by "date". So, over the course of the
past 2 weeks, I had absorbed huge amounts of Paul before I came to the
realization that he had died. I honestly cried. What an exceptional
human being, that he could have touched my life so briefly and yet the
loss of him could move me this deeply.
For those of you that may still be in touch with Paul's family ~
please, please tell them for me, that Paul is still touching people
lives - his words and wisdom are still woven gently through the fabric
of the cyberworld, where kindred eyes still meet. I wish I had not
"just missed" knowing this gentle person.
Sincerely, LadyPlanet
I can well relate to that, having been off the wreck for awhile and only
finding out recently. Paul was one of the first people I tried to find. His
advice and companionship will be missed, but some of his techniques will live
on and be passed to others.
On 28 Aug 2004 18:02:43 -0700, [email protected] (MyOwnPlanet)
>I did a Google search on "Shellac", as I have a project that I felt
>could be (unconventionally) finished off with Shellac. I was so very
>encouraged by the warm and witty advice of Paul T. Radovanic - I
>thought what a nice guy - maybe I should email him and see what he
>I had not "sorted" my search by "date". So, over the course of the
>past 2 weeks, I had absorbed huge amounts of Paul before I came to the
>realization that he had died. I honestly cried. What an exceptional
>human being, that he could have touched my life so briefly and yet the
>loss of him could move me this deeply.
>For those of you that may still be in touch with Paul's family ~
>please, please tell them for me, that Paul is still touching people
>lives - his words and wisdom are still woven gently through the fabric
>of the cyberworld, where kindred eyes still meet. I wish I had not
>"just missed" knowing this gentle person.
>Sincerely, LadyPlanet
LadyPlanet wrote:
>I did a Google search on "Shellac", as I have a project that I felt
>could be (unconventionally) finished off with Shellac. I was so very
>encouraged by the warm and witty advice of Paul T. Radovanic - I
>thought what a nice guy - maybe I should email him and see what he
>I had not "sorted" my search by "date". So, over the course of the
>past 2 weeks, I had absorbed huge amounts of Paul before I came to the
>realization that he had died. I honestly cried. What an exceptional
>human being, that he could have touched my life so briefly and yet the
>loss of him could move me this deeply.
>For those of you that may still be in touch with Paul's family ~
>please, please tell them for me, that Paul is still touching people
>lives - his words and wisdom are still woven gently through the fabric
>of the cyberworld, where kindred eyes still meet. I wish I had not
>"just missed" knowing this gentle person.
>Sincerely, LadyPlanet
The above has been left intact as it deserves to be
Keith Bohn
And you only saw some of his messages posted on the wreck.
He was also one to send e-mail to wreckers with words of
encouragement, suggestions, pointers and gentle critiques.
Truly a man who set an example for others to emulate.
You're post may serve as a reminder of how this place
could work.
charlie b
[email protected] (MyOwnPlanet) wrote in message news:<[email protected]>...
> past 2 weeks, I had absorbed huge amounts of Paul before I came to the
> realization that he had died. I honestly cried. What an exceptional
> human being, that he could have touched my life so briefly and yet the
> loss of him could move me this deeply.
He is well remembered around these parts. A great "wrecker".
We all miss him. It's good to know even now his advice
is still useful. His memory will be with us forever.
Nuno Souto
[email protected]
I fully agree with you Charlie. Paul encouraged me many times and his
advices were priceless. I miss him.
"charlie b" <[email protected]> a écrit dans le message de
news:[email protected]...
> And you only saw some of his messages posted on the wreck.
> He was also one to send e-mail to wreckers with words of
> encouragement, suggestions, pointers and gentle critiques.
> Truly a man who set an example for others to emulate.
> You're post may serve as a reminder of how this place
> could work.
> Thanks.
> charlie b
Noons wrote:
> He is well remembered around these parts. A great "wrecker".
> We all miss him. It's good to know even now his advice
> is still useful. His memory will be with us forever.
So true. I still think of Paully whenever I finish a project with
shellac. He is responsible for me not giving up on the stuff even
though I had some bad experiences with the premixed junk. Thanks to his
advice, I now enjoy finishing, which was previously something I dreaded.
I never had the privilege of meeting the man, but I have some of his
directions for applying shellac deeply imbedded in my brain. (E.g.,
"flowing" it on with a wet edge and using a stroke like an airplane
landing and taking off again.)
He also had my favorite description of the effect of garnet shellac
on pine, saying it reminded him of a "golden sunset".
Chuck Vance
A lot of us miss Paul, a knowledgeable and nice guy.
"MyOwnPlanet" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
>I did a Google search on "Shellac", as I have a project that I felt
> could be (unconventionally) finished off with Shellac. I was so very
> encouraged by the warm and witty advice of Paul T. Radovanic - I
> thought what a nice guy - maybe I should email him and see what he
> thinks?