Yesterday I spotted an Amana 8" stacked dado set at one of the local
pawns, still mostly padded from a recent sharpening (or maybe largely
unused?). Resisted the immediate urge. It was only $40.
Went back today, it was still there. Picked it up, and a metal Makita
drill index (sized just right to fit my cordless case, and mostly-full
of sharp bits) marked at $7.50. When I asked what their best price for
the lot was, the guy said "$37.50". My wallet opened really fast.
Not everything was as it first seemed: one of the chippers was missing
a carbide tip; got a new one ordered for another $37.50. Still, that's
not too bad a deal, huh?
On 9 Dec 2004 20:06:52 -0800, [email protected] wrote:
>Thanks, Barry, I'll look into having it replaced. There are very few
>sharpening shops around here (mid-MO), but I'll look around.
In MO:
Both are no farther than the mailman.
On 8 Dec 2004 20:51:38 -0800, [email protected] wrote:
>Not everything was as it first seemed: one of the chippers was missing
>a carbide tip; got a new one ordered for another $37.50. Still, that's
>not too bad a deal, huh?
A lot of sharpening shops can replace that tooth for ~$7-8.