Thank You AAvK! The shipping options have been corrected.
Las Angeles, CA, 90027 ... UPS cost is less than twenty dollars, Parcel
Post is slightly more than twenty dollars.
Thanks again for the heads up.
AAvK wrote:
> Nice vice! Better design than mine, but somebody from back east better order it
> unless you think you can get away with shipping it via media mail.
> --
> Alex - newbie_neander in woodworking
> cravdraa_at-yahoo_dot-com
> not my site:
suby4me wrote:
> Hello,
> Pardon the interruption. Perhaps someone may be interested in this
> MORGAN # 10A Vintage woodworking vise that is on Ebay. Item number:
> 6208695501
Too bad you don't have a buy-it-now price. It prolly woulda been sold
by now.
Dave in Fairfax
reply-to doesn't work
use: daveldr at att dot net
American Association of Woodturners
Capital Area Woodturners
> Thank You AAvK! The shipping options have been corrected.
> Las Angeles, CA, 90027 ... UPS cost is less than twenty dollars, Parcel
> Post is slightly more than twenty dollars.
> Thanks again for the heads up.
Sounds like *the real deal* then... but I was yakkin' about the rules of
what can be allowed for shipping via "media mail". They probably know
better by what they see, unless I'm very much mistaken, because if so
you could lose money when they give it back to you. I would not offer
media mail because that's for books and cds and dvds, rolled posters and
so forth. "Media".
Alex - newbie_neander in woodworking
not my site:
On Sun, 11 Sep 2005 19:53:34 -0700, with neither quill nor qualm,
"AAvK" <[email protected]> quickly quoth:
>Nice vice! Better design than mine, but somebody from back east better order it
>unless you think you can get away with shipping it via media mail.
"It wouldn't fit so I melted it down until it went right into a
$7.70 USPS flat-rate box."
Never ascribe to malice that which can
be adequately explained by stupidity.
--------------- -- Smart Website Design
> "It wouldn't fit so I melted it down until it went right into a
> $7.70 USPS flat-rate box."
buahahahaha! Actually he would be able to do that if it was fully dissassembled,
then cram all the pieces in.
Alex - newbie_neander in woodworking
not my site: