On 2010-05-06 17:32:11 -0400, "Lew Hodgett" <[email protected]> said:
> View this week's Woodsmith Tip online:
> http://woodsmithtips.com/l/4153-99210
Yup, also the sister pub, ShopNotes -- you can also learn a lot about
approaches to problem-solving by careful readings of their construction
articles -- the drawings are extremely well-detailed. Just by building
the projects mentally, you can find methods or techniques that will
apply to a project you might be thinking about. So often, an isolated
tip -- even this clever one -- can just get lost.
I also like how they will break out a technique or construction detail
from one of their main projects. For me, that sorta helps provide the
mindset that it can be used for more than the project at hand.
BTW, there's a 3M product similar to the foam backer rod (though it's
adhesive and a smaller diameter) used by auto body shops to provide a
soft masked edge at gaps -- like the gap between door and fender --
just apply it behind the gap and spray away.