I was just goo gooing and ga gaaing at his web site again, amazed every
time. Today I noticed his hit counter at the bottom of the page. I hit the
refresh button and it moved up like 6-hits. I waited another minute or two
and 10-more hits. Geesh, When my web page would get 3-hits in one day I
would get excited.
stoutman wrote:
> I was just goo gooing and ga gaaing at his web site again, amazed every
> time. Today I noticed his hit counter at the bottom of the page. I hit the
> refresh button and it moved up like 6-hits. I waited another minute or two
> and 10-more hits. Geesh, When my web page would get 3-hits in one day I
> would get excited.
Ah, that's just Tom hitting "reload" (or "refresh" depencing on your
browser) to run up his hit counter. Look for ads in the near future -
he's got to pay the utility bills for his new HUGE shop. Unlike many
other business, he's decided not to raise his prices because of
and Wilma (or Irag, North Korea, locust in Zaire, the drought in
Abbu Dabi (da ba da ba doo), bird flu or just for the hell of it. He
is an honest man.
Actually, it's no wonder he gets a lot of hits on his site - there's
lots of inspiring work and words of wisdom there. As much as
I admire and respect his work, it's how well he's got his head
screwed on and how he uses it that value most. Fine woodworker
is good. A good man is more dmirable. He seems to be both.
charlie b