Saw this in an old woodworking manual, it looked like one of those flying
cutouts from a Monty Python animation. They didn't give a description
of how it worked, just a picture of a machine about the size of a 36" lathe
with a big foot pedal. Always thought I'd run into at least a description of
one in active use but have haven't seen anything since. I'd be very curious to
find out more.
BUB 209 wrote:
> Saw this in an old woodworking manual, it looked like one of those flying
> cutouts from a Monty Python animation. They didn't give a description
> of how it worked, just a picture of a machine about the size of a 36" lathe
> with a big foot pedal. Always thought I'd run into at least a description of
> one in active use but have haven't seen anything since. I'd be very curious to
> find out more.