"Peter Tarbat"

20/02/2007 4:50 PM

Woodstock ontario land of criminal police and crown

My name is Peter Tarbat.

I was charged by the Oxford Police, Sgt E Taylor with 11 false
including rape and forcible confinement. The problem is these charges
go back 18 years and these charges came forward days after I reported
my Ex-mother in law to the CAS for an incident involving her and my
As soon as I received bail Mike Carnegie was willing to drop all but
three charges. After 1 year and thousands of dollars out of my
Mike decided to drop one more charge and even allowed me to change
date of the uttering a threat charge. I was innocent of all charges,
but had no choice but to plead guilty to something I did not do.
There is a long history of harassment on the part of the Oxford crown
and police against me. Including appealing an earlier charge. The
problem was Crown Mary Mahas over a seven mouth period refused to
my lawyer any info, she would not answer any registered letters or
answer our phone calls. The day of the appeal there was no new
evidence. I won, cost to me 4500.00; I would call that harassment of
the worst kind.
Crown lawyer Mike Carnegie did not drop the rape charge against me,
stayed them, meaning I was not found innocent.
I want my day in court to prove that this is a complete frame job on
Oxfords part. I have had my children stolen from me. When I get to
them again I do not want this hanging over my head.
If the crown believes these charges were good enough to bring me up
charges, I am begging them to do it again.
Mike Carnegie while talking to my lawyer, after interviewing Sgt E
Taylor said this has more to do with the cop then it does with the
In my experience the Oxford police and Crown use these extra charges
beat you into pleading guilty on lesser charges. Well I want my day
court to prove I am innocent of all charges and that the Oxford
authorities are out of control.
There is much more to this story.
Please call your MP and forward this email to help stop these people
from doing this to more innocent people.
Peter Tarbat 705-812-1505 [email protected]
Oxford County
Ministry of the Attorney General
Court House
415 Hunter Street
Woodstock, ON N4S 4G6
Tel: (519) 537-2611
Fax: (519) 539-1060
Email: [email protected]
615 Dundas St. Woodstock, Ontario, Canada
[email protected]
N4S 1E1

Telephone - (519) 421-2800
Fax - (519) 421-2818