Reynaud wrote:
> Has anyone used the cheap light weight thickness planers from Delta , King ,
> etc.? I'm looking for an planer that will be used on softwood mostly. Would
> these do the job? TIA.
Naw, no one here uses any of those. I don't even thing it has been
discussed before.
Oh, ok, that is sarcasm. You really should try a google search (use
google groups,; this has been discussed to death.
Actually, you should probably try entering the model numbers you are
interested in since there are a zillion of them and they all have been
discussed to death.
I have the King 12 1/2 " . You get a little snipe at the ends of the
boards - but it works fine. Got mine a year ago. So far so good.
I have used it on Pine, Walnut Maple, Cherry, Yellowheart, Purpleheart,
butternut, Oak, Basswood and even satinwood (Satinwood's even tough to
plane by hand).
Got it at a woodshow for around $300 CDN - with an extra set of knives.
Haven't even sharpened or turned over the first set of knives yet.
As for the minor snipe marks at the end? - I made one of those drum
sander kits from Nicks
The poor man's jointer (Pauper actually). That cleans up the wood
Reynaud wrote:
> Has anyone used the cheap light weight thickness planers from Delta , King ,
> etc.? I'm looking for an planer that will be used on softwood mostly. Would
> these do the job? TIA.
> Rey
On Fri, 28 Jan 2005 06:13:51 -0600, "Reynaud" <[email protected]> wrote:
>Has anyone used the cheap light weight thickness planers from Delta , King ,
>etc.? I'm looking for an planer that will be used on softwood mostly. Would
>these do the job? TIA.
I don't know any planers designed specifically for softwoods. The 12"
planers are lower cost than 15", but that depends on what you want to
plane. I have a Makita planer that does a good job, but there are
others. They all snipe, but some snipe more than others. I guess by
"light weight" you mean "portable?" With any surface planers dust
collection is important. Stick with quality brands.