
[email protected] (Matt Pringle)

11/11/2003 5:08 AM

Grizzly G0513


I'm looking to pick up a new bandsaw and I'm looking for opinions
(especially if they happen to be backed by experience). I know this
is a heavilly travelled path so sorry.

I'm looking at either the Grizzly G0513 (17") or the Jet 16" or the
Delta 299A which are all just about the same cost once you factor in a
mobile base and a riser for the 299A and assuming a replacement blade
for all three.

I really can't find a good reason on paper to not go for the Grizz.
Lots of capacity, nice big motor, 1" blade width capacity, large cast
iron table, quick release blade tensioner, good dust control. Both
the Grizz and the Jet are made in Taiwan so there's probably not a lot
too choose between them and the Grizz has 2" more resaw capacity and a
little bigger motor.

I'm interested in all opinions but I'd really like to hear from anyone
who has seen or better yet used the Grizz.

