
Australopithecus scobis

13/06/2004 10:03 PM

Borrowed an e-camera

Borrowed a digital camera from a friend today. Shot pics of projects
I've posted about. If you give a hoot, they're on apbw.
"Keep your ass behind you."

This topic has 6 replies


Dave Balderstone

in reply to Australopithecus scobis on 13/06/2004 10:03 PM

13/06/2004 10:14 PM

In article <[email protected]>,
Australopithecus scobis <[email protected]> wrote:

> MT-newswatcher posted them and the one I tried to open showed up OK.

They show up fine here, but I'm also on the Mac platform, using Thoth
as a newsreader.

Perhaps there's something in MT-Newswathcers preferences for Windows



Dave Hinz

in reply to Australopithecus scobis on 13/06/2004 10:03 PM

14/06/2004 3:26 PM

On Sun, 13 Jun 2004 22:46:44 -0500, Australopithecus scobis <[email protected]> wrote:
> In article <[email protected]>,
> "Mortimer Schnerd, RN" <[email protected]> wrote:
>> I couldn't get them to display.
> MT-newswatcher posted them and the one I tried to open showed up OK.
> This is the first time I have ever posted picture binaries, so I am
> sure there are settings and tweaks that I don't know about.

If you want, I can stick 'em on a webserver for you, just email them to
me and they'll be up shortly.

Dave Hinz


in reply to Australopithecus scobis on 13/06/2004 10:03 PM

14/06/2004 1:03 AM

Sun, Jun 13, 2004, 10:03pm (EDT-1) [email protected]
(Australopithecus=A0scobis) says:
=A0=A0=A0=A0=A0=A0Borrowed a digital camera from a friend today. Shot
pics of projects I've posted about. If you give a hoot, they're on apbw.

Posts are there, but all I could see was a little blank square.

Use your brain - it's the small things that count.


Australopithecus scobis

in reply to Australopithecus scobis on 13/06/2004 10:03 PM

13/06/2004 10:46 PM

In article <[email protected]>,
"Mortimer Schnerd, RN" <[email protected]> wrote:

> I couldn't get them to display.

MT-newswatcher posted them and the one I tried to open showed up OK.

This is the first time I have ever posted picture binaries, so I am
sure there are settings and tweaks that I don't know about. I see that
the file sizes are larger than most on abpw; I apparently need to crank
up the compression.
"Keep your ass behind you."


Australopithecus scobis

in reply to Australopithecus scobis on 13/06/2004 10:03 PM

13/06/2004 11:32 PM

In article <>,
Dave Balderstone <> wrote:

> Perhaps there's something in MT-Newswathcers preferences for Windows
> compatibility?

I found a checkbox "Send with MIME" that I'll try tomorrow.
"Keep your ass behind you."


"Mortimer Schnerd, RN"

in reply to Australopithecus scobis on 13/06/2004 10:03 PM

14/06/2004 3:16 AM

Australopithecus scobis wrote:
> Greetings,
> Borrowed a digital camera from a friend today. Shot pics of projects
> I've posted about. If you give a hoot, they're on apbw.

I couldn't get them to display.

Mortimer Schnerd, RN

[email protected]

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