23/07/2004 11:49 PM



Everybody needs a camera. Now, the neat thing to do would be to
make one out of pallet wood, that you know has come from out of your own
country. Even if you're only a mile from the border, and you know it
came from the first town over the line. Then you can brag that is's
made out of "imported" wood. Doesn't matter if the wood was shipped
across the border from the sawmill just down the road, if it comes back,
it's "imported". Hell, I only drink imported wine. I just don't bother
to tell people it's imported from Virginia. Heh heh heh

Expensive tennis shoes won't cure a sore toe.
- Bazooka Joe

This topic has 4 replies


Dave Hinz

in reply to [email protected] (J T) on 23/07/2004 11:49 PM

25/07/2004 2:17 AM

On Sat, 24 Jul 2004 19:05:16 -0700, Wolf Lahti <[email protected]> wrote:
> Those instructions don't say anything about how to construct the CCD.

That'd be a bit pricy. I'm guessing your post is
in jest, but actually it can be done. Using a large-format camera such
as this and a flatbed scanner in "transparency" mode, it can be done.
You obviously need this to be a still-life or landscape, portraits might
be a bit tough (hold still for 10 seconds please). At an insane
resolution of 3200 DPI, you would have a 900 Megapixel image, with
just 300 DPI you'd have 8.6 Megapixel. Somewhere in between would
be do-able.

Dave Hinz


Wolf Lahti

in reply to [email protected] (J T) on 23/07/2004 11:49 PM

24/07/2004 7:05 PM

Those instructions don't say anything about how to construct the CCD.


in reply to Wolf Lahti on 24/07/2004 7:05 PM

25/07/2004 12:47 AM

Sat, Jul 24, 2004, 7:05pm (EDT-3) [email protected] (Wolf=A0Lahti)
Those instructions don't say anything about how to construct the CCD.

What? Nothing at all on the Cortical Collecting Duct? Damn. If
I'd notiiced that, I wouldn't have posted it.

Expensive tennis shoes won't cure a sore toe.
- Bazooka Joe
THE NEW COPPERPLATE http://www.banjer.com/midi/newcopp.mid


"J. Clarke"

in reply to Wolf Lahti on 24/07/2004 7:05 PM

25/07/2004 6:47 AM

J T wrote:

> Sat, Jul 24, 2004, 7:05pm (EDT-3) [email protected] (Wolf Lahti)
> laments:
> Those instructions don't say anything about how to construct the CCD.
> What? Nothing at all on the Cortical Collecting Duct? Damn. If
> I'd notiiced that, I wouldn't have posted it.

Actually that's not all that humorous a project and I for one really
appreciate your posting the link. Check prices on 8x10 cameras. You'll
find that they go for $5K and up, without lenses, and pretty much look like
the project you linked. The CCD backs are standard items that should fit
any camera that size, however you're going to pay as much for one as you
would for a good car.

> Expensive tennis shoes won't cure a sore toe.
> - Bazooka Joe
> THE NEW COPPERPLATE http://www.banjer.com/midi/newcopp.mid

Reply to jclarke at ae tee tee global dot net
(was jclarke at eye bee em dot net)

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