
21/01/2014 8:01 AM

The Beauties of Islam

The Beauties of Islam=20

At this time in Islam=92s history, when the entire religion is being judged=
by the actions of a few, it is appropriate to step back from the glare of =
the media spotlight and examine the beauties that infuse the way of life kn=
own as Islam. There is greatness and splendour in Islam that is often overs=
hadowed by actions that have no place in Islam or by people who speak about=
topics they only vaguely understand. Islam is a religion, a way of life th=
at inspires Muslims to try harder, reach farther and act in a manner that i=
s pleasing to those around them and most importantly pleasing to their Crea=

The beauties of Islam are those things that are part of the religion and ma=
ke Islam stand out. Islam answers all of humankind=92s eternal questions. W=
here did I come from? Why am I here? Is this really all there is? It answer=
s these questions with clarity and in a beautiful way. So then, let us begi=
n our journey and discover and ponder over the beauties of Islam.=20

1. The answers to all your questions about life are in the Quran=20
The Quran is a book detailing the glory of God and the wonder of His creati=
on; it is also a testament to His Mercy and Justice. It is not a history bo=
ok, a storybook, or a scientific textbook, although it does contain all of =
those genres and more. The Quran is God=92s greatest gift to humanity =96 i=
t is a book like no other, for it contains the answers to the mysteries of =
life. It answers the questions and asks us to look beyond materialism and s=
ee that this life is little more than a transient stop on the way to everla=
sting life. Islam gives a clear aim and purpose to life.=20

=93And I (God) created not the jinn and humankind, except to worship Me (Al=
one).=94 (Quran 51:56)=20

Thus it is the most important book and Muslims have no doubt that it is exa=
ctly the same today as it was when it was first revealed to Prophet Muhamma=
d, may God praise him. When we ask those most important questions, we want =
to be sure that the answers we receive are the truth. Knowing that the answ=
ers are coming from a book which is the unchanged Word of God, gives comfor=
t and solace. When God revealed the Quran, He promised to preserve it. The =
words we read today are the same as those memorised and written down by the=
companions of Prophet Muhammad.=20

=93It is We Who have sent down the remembrance (i.e. the Quran) and surely,=
We will guard it from corruption.=94 (Quran 15:9)=20

2. True Happiness can be found in Islam=20
Rejoice and be happy, remain positive and be at peace. [1] This is what Isl=
am teaches us, for all God=92s commandments aim to bring happiness to the i=
ndividual. The key to happiness is in understanding and worshipping God. Th=
is worship serves as a reminder of Him and keeps us always conscious of Him=
and hence we stay away from evil, committing injustices and oppression. It=
elevates us to being righteous and of good character. By following His com=
mands, we lead a life that guides us to the best in all our affairs. When w=
e lead such a meaningful life, then and only then are we able to see happin=
ess all around us, at any given moment and even on the darkest of times. It=
is even there in the touch of a hand, in the smell of rain or newly mown g=
rass, it is in a warm fire on a cold night or a cool breeze on a hot day. S=
imple pleasures can make our hearts truly happy because they are manifestat=
ions of God=92s Mercy and Love.=20

The nature of the human condition means that amongst great sorrow can be mo=
ments of joy and sometimes in moments of despair we can find an anchor in t=
he things that bring us happiness. Prophet Muhammad said, =93Indeed amazing=
are the affairs of a believer! They are all for his benefit. If he is gran=
ted ease then he is thankful, and this is good for him. And if he is affli=
cted with a hardship, he perseveres, and this is good for him.=94 [2]=20

3. In Islam we can easily communicate with God at any time of day or night=
Every member of the human race is born innately knowing that God is One. Ho=
wever those who do not know how to communicate with God or establish a rela=
tionship with Him tend to find their existence puzzling and sometimes even =
distressing. Learning to communicate with God and worshiping Him gives life=
a whole new meaning.=20

According to Islam, God is accessible at any time and in any place. We need=
only call on Him and He will answer the call. Prophet Muhammad advised us =
to call on God often. He told us that God said,=20

=93I am just as My slave thinks I am, (i.e. I am able to do for him what he=
thinks I can do for him) and I am with him if He remembers Me. If he remem=
bers Me in himself, I too, remember him in Myself; and if he remembers Me i=
n a group of people, I remember him in a group that is better than they; an=
d if he comes one span nearer to Me, I go one cubit nearer to him; and if h=
e comes one cubit nearer to Me, I go a distance of two outstretched arms ne=
arer to him; and if he comes to me walking, I go to him running.=94 [3]=20

In the Quran God says, =93Remember Me and I will remember you=85=94 (Quran2=

Believers call on God in any language, at any time and in any place. They s=
upplicate to Him, and give thanks. Muslims also pray in a more ritualised w=
ay five times every day and interestingly the Arabic word for prayer is =91=
salah=92, which means a connection. Muslims are connected to God and can co=
mmunicate with Him easily. We are never alone or far from God=92s Mercy, Fo=
rgiveness and Love.=20

4. Islam gives us real peace=20
The words Islam, Muslim and salaam (peace) all come from the Arabic root wo=
rd =93Sa - la =96 ma=94. It denotes peace, security, and safety. When a per=
son submits to the will of God he or she experiences an innate sense of sec=
urity and peacefulness. Salaam is a descriptive word that entails more than=
tranquillity and calmness; it also encompasses the concepts of safety, sec=
urity and submission. In fact, Islam in the complete sense means submission=
to the One God who grants us safety, security, peace and harmony. This is =
real peace. Muslims greet each other with the words =91Assalam Alaikum=92. =
These Arabic words mean =91May God grant you protection and security (real =
and lasting peace)=92. These brief Arabic words let Muslims know that they =
are among friends, not strangers. This greeting encourages believers to be =
a worldwide community unencumbered by tribal or nationalistic loyalties and=
bound together by peace and unity. Islam itself is inherently associated w=
ith inner peace and tranquillity.=20

=93And those who believed (in the Oneness of God and His Messengers and wha=
tever they brought) and did righteous deeds, will be made to enter Gardens =
under which rivers flow, - to dwell therein for ever (i.e. in Paradise), wi=
th the Permission of their Lord. Their greeting therein will be, salaam!=94=
(Quran 14:23)=20

5. Islam allows us to know God=20
The first principle and focal point of Islam is belief in one God, and the =
whole of the Quran is dedicated to this. It speaks directly about God and H=
is Essence, Names, Attributes and Actions. Prayer connects us to God, howev=
er truly knowing and understanding the Names and Attributes of God is an im=
portant and unique opportunity, one that is only available in Islam. Those =
who do not make the effort to really know God may find the nature of their =
existence puzzling or even distressing. A Muslim is encouraged to remember =
God and be grateful to Him and a person can do this by contemplating and un=
derstanding God=92s beautiful Names and Attributes. It is through this that=
we are able to know our Creator.=20

=93God! (None has the right to be worshipped but He)! To Him belong the Be=
st Names.=94 (Quran 20:8)=20

=93And (all) the Most Beautiful Names belong to God, so call on Him by them=
, and leave the company of those who belie or deny (or utter impious speech=
against) His Names=85=94 (Quran 7:180)=20

6. Islam teaches us how to care for the environment=20
Islam recognises that human beings are the custodians of the earth and all =
that is on it, including vegetation, animals, oceans, rivers, deserts, and =
fertile land. God provides us with the things we need to survive successful=
ly and flourish, but we are obligated to care for them and preserve them fo=
r future generations.=20

In 1986 Prince Phillip the then president of the World Wildlife Fund invite=
d the leaders of the world=92s five major religions to meet in the Italian =
city of Assisi. They met to discuss how faith could help save the natural w=
orld, the environment. What follows is from the Muslim statement in the Ass=
isi Declarations on Nature:=20

Muslims say that Islam is the middle path and we will be answerable for how=
we have walked this path, how we have maintained balance and harmony in th=
e whole of creation around us.=20

It is these values which led Muhammad, the Prophet of Islam, to say: =91Who=
ever plants a tree and diligently looks after it until it matures and bears=
fruit is rewarded.=92=20

For all these reasons Muslims see themselves as having a responsibility tow=
ards the world and the environment, all of which are the creations of Allah=

Unlike many other religions, Muslims do not have any specific festivals in =
which they give thanks for the harvest or the world. Instead they give than=
ks to Allah regularly for his creation. [4]=20

7. Islam is respect=20
Another beautiful aspect of Islam is respect for humanity and the universe =
in which we live. Islam states clearly that it is the responsibility of eac=
h member of the human race to treat creation with respect, honour and digni=
ty. The most deserving of respect is the Creator Himself and of course resp=
ect begins with loving and obeying His commandments. Total respect for God =
allows all the manners and high standards of morality that are inherent in =
Islam to flow into our lives and the lives of those around us. Because Isla=
m binds respect to peace, love and compassion this involves respecting the =
honour, reputation and privacy of others. Respect involves staying complete=
ly away from the major sins of backbiting, lying, slander, and gossip. It m=
eans avoiding sins that will sow discord among the people or lead to destru=

Respect also includes loving for our brothers and sisters what we love for =
ourselves. It involves treating others the way we expect to be treated and =
the way we hope God will treat us =96 with compassion, love and mercy. Majo=
r sins put a barrier between humanity and God=92s Mercy and cause all the t=
orment, misery and evil in this world and the hereafter. God commands us to=
stay away from sin and to strive against our own destructive character fla=
ws. We live in an age where we often demand respect from others but may not=
respect those around us. One beauty of Islam is that it allows us to regai=
n lost respect by submitting wholeheartedly to the will of God. However if =
we do not understand how and why we surrender to God=92s will we cannot gai=
n respect we want and need. Islam teaches us and God reminds us in the Qura=
n that our sole purpose in life is to worship Him.=20

8. The Equality of men and women=20
Quran states that all believers are equal and that only righteous deeds ele=
vate one person above another. Believers therefore have an immense respect =
for pious men and women and Islamic history also tells us that both men and=
women served and showed righteousness in all areas. A woman, like a man, i=
s obligated to worship God and fulfill the duties upon her. It is thus requ=
ired that every woman testify that there is none deserving worship but God,=
and that Muhammad, may God praise him, is His Messenger; to pray; to give =
charity; to fast; and to perform the pilgrimage to God=92s House if she has=
the means and ability to do so. It is also required that every woman to be=
lieve in God, His angels, His scriptures, His Messengers, the Last Day, and=
to believe in God=92s decree. It is also required that every woman worship=
God as if she sees Him.=20

=93And whoever does righteous good deeds, male or female, and is a (true) b=
eliever in the Oneness of God such will enter Paradise and not the least in=
justice, even to the size of a speck on the back of a date-stone, will be d=
one to them.=94 (Quran 2:124)=20

Islam however recognizes that equality does not mean that men and women are=
the same. It takes into account their differences in physiology, nature an=
d temperament. It is not a question of superiority or inferiority, rather a=
question of natural abilities and having different roles in life. The laws=
of Islam are just and fair and take these aspects into consideration. Men =
have been assigned the duty to work and provide for their family and women =
have been assigned the role of motherhood and homemaking. Islam states howe=
ver that that the roles are not exclusive nor are they inflexible. Women ca=
n work or serve society and men are able to take responsibility for their c=
hildren or their household. It is interesting to note that where women choo=
se to work the money they earn is their own however a man must provide fina=
ncially for the whole family.=20

9. Humankind is able to regret past actions and reform=20
Muslims believe that all members of humankind are able to reform; in additi=
on they believe that the possibility of successful reform is greater than t=
he probability of failure. This belief is derived from the fact that God ha=
s given humankind the means to reform, not once but over and over again rig=
ht up until close to the Day of Judgement. God sent Messengers and Prophets=
to each and every nation. Some we know from the Quran and the traditions o=
f Prophet Muhammad, others are known only to God. =20

=93And for every community or nation there is a Messenger; when their Messe=
nger comes, the matter will be judged between them with justice, and they w=
ill not be wronged.=94 (Quran 10:47)=20

God does not hold any person responsible until he has been clearly shown th=
e right way.=20

=93...And We never punish until We have sent a Messenger. =94 (Quran 17:15)=

At the same time we are responsible to search for the truth and upon findin=
g it we should accept it and reform our lives accordingly. The past bad act=
ions can be left behind. There is no sin that cannot be forgiven!=20

=93Say, 'O My servants who have transgressed against themselves [by sinning=
], do not despair of the mercy of God. Indeed, God forgives all sins. Indee=
d, it is He who is the Forgiving, the Merciful.'=94 (Quran 39:53)=20

A person should take advantage of God=92s mercy by sincerely repenting for =
the past or if one is not a believer, by converting to the religion of Isla=
m. Every person must work towards his salvation by combining faith, belief =
and action.=20

10. God loves beauty in all its forms=20
Prophet Muhammad said, =93No one will enter Paradise who has an ant=92s wei=
ght of pride in his heart.=94 A man said, =93What if a man likes his clothe=
s to look good and his shoes to look good?=94 He said, =93God is beautiful =
and loves beauty. Pride means denying the truth and looking down on people.=
=94 [5]=20

Beauty is the opposite of ugliness. The beauty that exists in creation atte=
sts to God=92s beauty as well as His power. He who created beauty is the mo=
st entitled to beauty. And indeed Paradise is adorned with beauty beyond im=
agining. God is beautiful and this is why the greatest of all pleasures in =
Paradise is to look upon God=92s Face. God says,=20

=93[Some] faces, that Day, will be radiant; looking to their Lord.=94 (Qura=
n 75: 22-23)=20

He refers to His names as being the Most Beautiful:=20

=93And the Most Beautiful Names belong to God, so call on Him by them...=94=
(Quran 7:180)=20

Noted Islamic scholar Ibn al-Qayyim, may Allah have mercy on him, had the f=
ollowing to say about beauty in Islam:=20

=93God is to be acknowledged for beauty that bears no resemblance to anythi=
ng else, and He is to be worshipped by means of the beauty which He loves i=
n words, deeds and attitudes. He loves His slaves to beautify their tongues=
with the truth, to beautify their hearts with sincere devotion, love, repe=
ntance and trust in Him, to beautify their faculties with obedience, and to=
beautify their bodies by showing His blessings upon them in their clothing=
and by keeping them pure and free of any filth, dirt or impurity, by remov=
ing the hairs which should be removed, by circumcision, and by clipping the=
nails. Thus they recognize God through these qualities of beauty and seek =
to draw close to Him through beautiful words, deeds and attitudes. They ack=
nowledge Him for the beauty which is His attribute and they worship Him thr=
ough the beauty which He has prescribed and His religion.=94 [6]=20

[1] Al Qarni, Aaidh Ibn Abdullah, (2003), Don=92t be sad. International Is=
lamic Publishing House, Saudi Arabia.=20
[2] Saheeh Muslim=20
[3] Saheeh Al-Bukhari, Saheeh Muslim=20
[5] Saheeh Muslim=20
[6] al-Fawaa=92id (1/185)=20

Thank you=20