08/01/2007 7:01 AM

OT News server problems

I'm running out of options in the appropriate arenas, so into the WW
group I go.

Using verizon newserver to access groups now days since it's included
in the DSL subscription.

Trying to access from a non DSL connected PC.

Worked fine Dec 15; turned PC off, went on "vacation".
Come back Jan 2, turn PC on, start getting error 10060, connection

Everyone says it the other's problem.

What I've found out.

We're not blocking the news server here.
I'm assuming it's not some new malicious virus that targets news (do
have McAfee).
Other news portals (e.g. microsoft) work.
Verizon works from the DSL PC (i.e. their server is functioning).
Nothing changed on the PC (it was off). SW not reconfigured, etc.
I'm using Agent.

One guess was that verizon changed their server so access wasn't
available unless you were on the DSL'd PC. Their attempt at "help" was
a canned response, not really related to my issue.

Last time this happened (error 10060), the verizon server was down.
Not this time.

Ideas? Help!


This topic has 18 replies



in reply to [email protected] on 08/01/2007 7:01 AM

08/01/2007 6:33 PM

Forget verizon, just use google





in reply to [email protected] on 08/01/2007 7:01 AM

09/01/2007 8:08 PM

I've used dedicated newsreaders in the past. One day I was on a
computer that didn't have a reader so I tried google. It did everything
I needed so I stuck with google. Another good thing about google is
that it is easy to search groups (and they know a thing or two about

Google is also preparing a new interface for its news reader, which
might convince some people to become "switchers".



in reply to [email protected] on 08/01/2007 7:01 AM

10/01/2007 6:33 AM

Thanx for asking. But now...

I'm gonna cry. You wanna come over and help me catch up? I haven't
even started the "infrastructure".
Though, this time, if the price is right, I may just hire an
electrician and have it done in a day instead of a week (or so).

Cold and dark part of year is ok since I spent most of the warm and
sunny part outside and eternally delayed getting started on this
project. The stove's out of warranty and hasn't even had an ounce of
gas flowing to it.

Do you work in your (unheated) garage?

I keep thinking I'll hit a milestone "this weekend". For the last
several weekends.

Not that progess is being made but as you say, "I'd forgotten how much
work this was".

What I recall is that it took me a couple hours to "slap together" a
cabinet. Hah! Time musta passed more slowly back then.

Actually, I think things are going well, and reasonably "fast", but
I've just been overly optimistic on the time it would take. As usual.

I gotta stop setting deadlines based on how things SEEM to be going -
before a curve of some sort is thrown my way, or I "forget" some of the
steps that need to be gone thru to get to the finished product.

I have the upper cabinets almost done (and they've been "almost" for
about 3 weeks now). But, really, they may get their exteriors lacquer
sprayed this weekend.

Last night I was fitting the doors and discovered that I had drilled
thru the door when I was adding the extra holes for the plastic dowel
that comes w/the Hettich hinges I bought. I thought it was going awful
deep, but ASSUMED I'd had it set properly and it hadn't changed. Gotta
remeber - ALWAYS double check if you've been away for a bit.

Additionally, the "system" I'd hoped to set up to easily duplicate
repetitive tasks (like installing hinges, for example) isn't working
out as well as planned. Mainly, 'cause the defective drill press
messed things up. So, I gotta individually check each hinge cup hole
and lay out the other pieces accordingly. Forget using the jig I made.

Anyway, I'll try to post some pics on pic.ww'g as soon as the uppers
are done. Done, in the shop, not hanging on the wall.

I figure base cabinets won't be as time consuming. All the pieces are
cut, just gotta be assembled. Then I start the tearout (by end of
month?) of the old cabinets (uppers are already down), soffits,
wallpaper; redo electrical; move some plumbing (minor - ref water
line); insulate the outside wall (for some reason they seem to not have
insulated the end wall - that faces north!) w/isocyanurate; etc. I'll
build the drawers after the cabinets are in, though I'll mount the
slides before I assemble the cabs.

I'm aiming to be done by April 3.

Still having fun though (most of the time) and don't regret going the
custom route. Just anxious to see (and use) it all together.


On Jan 8, 3:32 pm, Patriarch <[email protected]> wrote:
> How goes the kitchen project? I'm about 75% of the way through the
> faceframes on my daughter-in-laws kitchen. Drawers & doors to go. Floor,
> boxes, appliances, countertops, sink & plumbing, electrical all done.
> I'd forgotten how much work this was, in the dark, cold part of the year.
> P



in reply to [email protected] on 08/01/2007 7:01 AM

10/01/2007 6:38 AM

Having to resort to google, I find it's not as bad as I expected. Not
as good as Agent, but tolerable.

Vrzn is supposedly working on the issue. Had to call 'em back since 24
hours passed and it was still failing. Spoke with a supervisor who
said he wrote a real trouble ticket and they would address the issue.
Can't have V interfering w/NASA's ability to send people to the moon,
now can we? ;-)

That said, still debating on whether to shell out the 40 bucks to
reactivate my newsguy account because the retention period is way
longer, for one.


On Jan 9, 11:08 pm, "MB" <[email protected]> wrote:
> I've used dedicated newsreaders in the past. One day I was on a
> computer that didn't have a reader so I tried google. It did everything
> I needed so I stuck with google. Another good thing about google is
> that it is easy to search groups (and they know a thing or two about
> searching!).
> Google is also preparing a new interface for its news reader, which
> might convince some people to become "switchers".
> Mitch



in reply to [email protected] on 08/01/2007 7:01 AM

10/01/2007 7:28 AM

[email protected] wrote:
> Having to resort to google, I find it's not as bad as I expected. Not
> as good as Agent, but tolerable.
> Vrzn is supposedly working on the issue. Had to call 'em back since 24
> hours passed and it was still failing. Spoke with a supervisor who
> said he wrote a real trouble ticket and they would address the issue.
> Can't have V interfering w/NASA's ability to send people to the moon,
> now can we? ;-)
> That said, still debating on whether to shell out the 40 bucks to
> reactivate my newsguy account because the retention period is way
> longer, for one.
> Ciao
> Renata
> On Jan 9, 11:08 pm, "MB" <[email protected]> wrote:
> > I've used dedicated newsreaders in the past. One day I was on a
> > computer that didn't have a reader so I tried google. It did everything
> > I needed so I stuck with google. Another good thing about google is
> > that it is easy to search groups (and they know a thing or two about
> > searching!).
> >
> > Google is also preparing a new interface for its news reader, which
> > might convince some people to become "switchers".
> >
> > Mitch

Funny, I used Agent (the pay one) for years. After going to Google I
can't see how I put up with Agent. Everything is just so much easier
to do, and I can do it from anywhere. Binary NG's are still better in
Agent of course. But then I don't even think you can use them in

Get a Google account, it really is the best way to the wreck. As for
the OP, ISP's typically do not let you get to their NNTP or SMTP
servers unless you are on "their" network.



in reply to [email protected] on 08/01/2007 7:01 AM

10/01/2007 8:32 AM

Doug Miller wrote:
> In article <[email protected]>, "jtpr" <[email protected]> wrote:
> >Funny, I used Agent (the pay one) for years. After going to Google I
> >can't see how I put up with Agent.
> To each his own, I guess. Having used NewsXpress, I can't imagine how anybody
> puts up with Google.

Well I might try that, as I prefer Google to Agent.

> > Everything is just so much easier
> >to do, and I can do it from anywhere.
> You have a curious definition of "everything", because, as you note below, you
> can't access binary groups _at_all_ through Google.
> Your definition of "everything" doesn't appear to include killfiles and
> filters, either.

I agree that Google badly needs a killfile feature. It is the only
newsreader feature that I miss.

It doesn't have a .sig feature either, but probably on balance, that's
a good thing.

> Quite true -- one reason I don't use Google Groups except to look up something
> in the past. It's a fine archive, but for reading current posts, it sucks.
> ...

With Google I can do an ego search to see who has replied to
my articles and when reading a thread I can sort by date to
see if there are any new additions. Google also follows threads
across newsgroups.

With Google, the troll attacks in rec.woowdorking haven't been a
The dipfloods (DOS attacks) on news.admin.net-abuse.email were for
a while but I think Google may have learned to kill those as recently
I have read about there being new attacks but have seen neither
hide nor hair of them.




in reply to [email protected] on 08/01/2007 7:01 AM

11/01/2007 6:36 AM

On Jan 10, 11:32 am, [email protected] wrote:
> Doug Miller wrote:
> > In article <[email protected]>, "jtpr" <[email protected]> wrote:
> > >Funny, I used Agent (the pay one) for years. After going to Google I
> > >can't see how I put up with Agent.

I'm completely the opposite. To each his own.

For one, google doesn't distinguish if a thread has been added to
(w/new replies). If I've accessed a thread, it shows on the list in a
different color (as w/any website) and there seems to be no distinction
if new stuff has been added (such as this thread). Pain in the

Well, my bottom line is that Verizon has realized the error of their
ways - not in my favor. They fixed their server so that non-Verizon
IPs cannot access their services and I'm gonna have to subscribe to
newsguy to access news from anywhere but home. Just debating if I
want to wait another couple weeks for my credit card to roll over.


> > To each his own, I guess. Having used NewsXpress, I can't imagine how anybody
> > puts up with Google.Well I might try that, as I prefer Google to Agent.
> > > Everything is just so much easier
> > >to do, and I can do it from anywhere.
> > You have a curious definition of "everything", because, as you note below, you
> > can't access binary groups _at_all_ through Google.
> > Your definition of "everything" doesn't appear to include killfiles and
> > filters, either.I agree that Google badly needs a killfile feature. It is the only
> serious
> newsreader feature that I miss.
> It doesn't have a .sig feature either, but probably on balance, that's
> a good thing.
> > Quite true -- one reason I don't use Google Groups except to look up something
> > in the past. It's a fine archive, but for reading current posts, it sucks.
> > ...With Google I can do an ego search to see who has replied to
> my articles and when reading a thread I can sort by date to
> see if there are any new additions. Google also follows threads
> across newsgroups.
> With Google, the troll attacks in rec.woowdorking haven't been a
> problem.
> The dipfloods (DOS attacks) on news.admin.net-abuse.email were for
> a while but I think Google may have learned to kill those as recently
> I have read about there being new attacks but have seen neither
> hide nor hair of them.
> --
> FF


in reply to [email protected] on 08/01/2007 7:01 AM

15/01/2007 12:51 PM

[email protected] wrote:
> On Jan 10, 11:32 am, [email protected] wrote:
> > Doug Miller wrote:
> > > In article <[email protected]>, "jtpr" <[email protected]> wrote:
> >
> > > >Funny, I used Agent (the pay one) for years. After going to Google I
> > > >can't see how I put up with Agent.
> I'm completely the opposite. To each his own.
> For one, google doesn't distinguish if a thread has been added to
> (w/new replies). If I've accessed a thread, it shows on the list in a
> different color (as w/any website) and there seems to be no distinction
> if new stuff has been added (such as this thread). Pain in the
> keester.

It does something of that sort if you subscribe to the newsgroup.

I don't find it useful enough to bother subscribing to all the
I read, just did it to one or two to see what the difference was.




"Morris Dovey"

in reply to [email protected] on 08/01/2007 7:01 AM

08/01/2007 9:22 AM

[email protected] wrote:

| One guess was that verizon changed their server so access wasn't
| available unless you were on the DSL'd PC. Their attempt at "help"
| was a canned response, not really related to my issue.

Sounds like the Verizon server handling dial-in connections is either
misconfigured for authentication or has a DNS problem. I would guess
it's an authentication problem.

Morris Dovey
DeSoto Solar
DeSoto, Iowa USA



in reply to [email protected] on 08/01/2007 7:01 AM

08/01/2007 7:06 PM

[email protected] wrote:
> | One guess was that verizon changed their server so access wasn't
> | available unless you were on the DSL'd PC. Their attempt at "help"
> | was a canned response, not really related to my issue.

I have Verizon DSL service. My plan does not include dial-up access.

"Verizon's Remote Dial-up Internet Access is a great way to stay
connected while on the go. If your DSL package does not include this
service, you can add Remote Dial-up Internet Access for a small monthly

Jack Novak
Buffalo, NY - USA
[email protected]


"Mark Jerde"

in reply to [email protected] on 08/01/2007 7:01 AM

08/01/2007 7:46 PM

<[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> I'm running out of options in the appropriate arenas, so into the WW
> group I go.
> Using verizon newserver to access groups now days since it's included
> in the DSL subscription.
> Trying to access from a non DSL connected PC.

I have never been able to use news.verizon.net from anywhere but home on

-- Mark


[email protected] (Doug Miller)

in reply to [email protected] on 08/01/2007 7:01 AM

09/01/2007 12:28 PM

In article <[email protected]>, "MB" <[email protected]> wrote:
>Forget verizon, just use google

Oh, please. Compared to a *real* newsreader, Google's interface is horrible.

Doug Miller (alphageek at milmac dot com)

It's time to throw all their damned tea in the harbor again.



in reply to [email protected] on 08/01/2007 7:01 AM

08/01/2007 2:32 PM

[email protected] wrote in news:1168268469.102381.44310@

> I'm running out of options in the appropriate arenas, so into the WW
> group I go.
> Using verizon newserver to access groups now days since it's included
> in the DSL subscription.
> Trying to access from a non DSL connected PC.

It's not included in the basic service. Not supposed to be, anyhow.

Comcast cable network is the same way, so I don't post from the road, and
read through Google, if I'm interested.

How goes the kitchen project? I'm about 75% of the way through the
faceframes on my daughter-in-laws kitchen. Drawers & doors to go. Floor,
boxes, appliances, countertops, sink & plumbing, electrical all done.

I'd forgotten how much work this was, in the dark, cold part of the year.




in reply to [email protected] on 08/01/2007 7:01 AM

13/01/2007 4:10 PM

[email protected] wrote in
news:[email protected]:

<snip of long tale of kitchen renovation...>
> I'm aiming to be done by April 3.
> Still having fun though (most of the time) and don't regret going the
> custom route. Just anxious to see (and use) it all together.
> Renata

The fun is the most important part. Your story reminded me of some friends
of ours, whose addition and kitchen remodel took them somewhere close to
seven years. I'm certain that isn't the longest time in wReck memory.

I've done nothing much since I wrote the last note on the kitchen project.
Work took me to the East Coast, and I got only a little routing and sanding
on the face frames between interruptions and prep. But Monday is sort of a
holiday. I can get something done then.

Hang in there!




in reply to [email protected] on 08/01/2007 7:01 AM

08/01/2007 9:31 AM

<[email protected]> wrote in message
> I'm running out of options in the appropriate arenas, so into the WW
> group I go.
> Using verizon newserver to access groups now days since it's included
> in the DSL subscription.
> Trying to access from a non DSL connected PC.

That's more than likely your problem.

They routinely (most IPS's) deny/block nntp connection to any computer that
is not using an ip address from their assigned block of ip addresses.

If it worked before, you're lucky ... One of my companies is on Verizon DSL
service after 15 years of being passed down from UUNET to WorldCom to MCI to
Verizon, etc., ad infinitum ... this latest bunch of idiots, Verizon, SUCK
the worst!

Last update: 1/06/07


"J. Clarke"

in reply to [email protected] on 08/01/2007 7:01 AM

11/01/2007 4:31 PM

On Thu, 11 Jan 2007 06:36:24 -0800, Renata0403 wrote:

> On Jan 10, 11:32 am, [email protected] wrote:
>> Doug Miller wrote:
>> > In article <[email protected]>, "jtpr" <[email protected]> wrote:
>> > >Funny, I used Agent (the pay one) for years. After going to Google I
>> > >can't see how I put up with Agent.
> I'm completely the opposite. To each his own.
> For one, google doesn't distinguish if a thread has been added to
> (w/new replies). If I've accessed a thread, it shows on the list in a
> different color (as w/any website) and there seems to be no distinction
> if new stuff has been added (such as this thread). Pain in the
> keester.
> Well, my bottom line is that Verizon has realized the error of their
> ways - not in my favor. They fixed their server so that non-Verizon
> IPs cannot access their services and I'm gonna have to subscribe to
> newsguy to access news from anywhere but home. Just debating if I
> want to wait another couple weeks for my credit card to roll over.

While newsguy works (been using it for years), <http://www.teranews.com/>
has a free service and <http://news.individual.net/> is very inexpensive.
Might want to try one of those.

> Renata
>> > To each his own, I guess. Having used NewsXpress, I can't imagine how
>> > anybody puts up with Google.Well I might try that, as I prefer Google
>> > to Agent.
>> > > Everything is just so much easier
>> > >to do, and I can do it from anywhere.
>> > You have a curious definition of "everything", because, as you note
>> > below, you can't access binary groups _at_all_ through Google.
>> > Your definition of "everything" doesn't appear to include killfiles
>> > and filters, either.I agree that Google badly needs a killfile
>> > feature. It is the only
>> serious
>> newsreader feature that I miss.
>> It doesn't have a .sig feature either, but probably on balance, that's
>> a good thing.
>> > Quite true -- one reason I don't use Google Groups except to look up
>> > something in the past. It's a fine archive, but for reading current
>> > posts, it sucks. ...With Google I can do an ego search to see who has
>> > replied to
>> my articles and when reading a thread I can sort by date to see if
>> there are any new additions. Google also follows threads across
>> newsgroups.
>> With Google, the troll attacks in rec.woowdorking haven't been a
>> problem.
>> The dipfloods (DOS attacks) on news.admin.net-abuse.email were for a
>> while but I think Google may have learned to kill those as recently I
>> have read about there being new attacks but have seen neither hide nor
>> hair of them.
>> --
>> FF



to email, dial "usenet" and validate

(was jclarke at eye bee em dot net)


[email protected] (Doug Miller)

in reply to [email protected] on 08/01/2007 7:01 AM

10/01/2007 3:53 PM

In article <[email protected]>, "jtpr" <[email protected]> wrote:

>Funny, I used Agent (the pay one) for years. After going to Google I
>can't see how I put up with Agent.

To each his own, I guess. Having used NewsXpress, I can't imagine how anybody
puts up with Google.

> Everything is just so much easier
>to do, and I can do it from anywhere.

You have a curious definition of "everything", because, as you note below, you
can't access binary groups _at_all_ through Google.

Your definition of "everything" doesn't appear to include killfiles and
filters, either.

>Binary NG's are still better in
>Agent of course. But then I don't even think you can use them in

Quite true -- one reason I don't use Google Groups except to look up something
in the past. It's a fine archive, but for reading current posts, it sucks.
>Get a Google account, it really is the best way to the wreck.

I guess you haven't been around here long enough to see any of the troll
attacks that hit a couple times a year.

Doug Miller (alphageek at milmac dot com)

It's time to throw all their damned tea in the harbor again.



in reply to [email protected] on 08/01/2007 7:01 AM

15/01/2007 5:47 PM

J. Clarke wrote:

> On Thu, 11 Jan 2007 06:36:24 -0800, Renata0403 wrote:
> > On Jan 10, 11:32 am, [email protected] wrote:
> >> Doug Miller wrote:
> >> > In article
> <[email protected]>, "jtpr"
> <[email protected]> wrote:
> > >
> >> > >Funny, I used Agent (the pay one) for years. After going to
> Google I >> > >can't see how I put up with Agent.
> >
> > I'm completely the opposite. To each his own.
> >
> > For one, google doesn't distinguish if a thread has been added to
> > (w/new replies). If I've accessed a thread, it shows on the list
> > in a different color (as w/any website) and there seems to be no
> > distinction if new stuff has been added (such as this thread).
> > Pain in the keester.
> >
> > Well, my bottom line is that Verizon has realized the error of their
> > ways - not in my favor. They fixed their server so that non-Verizon
> > IPs cannot access their services and I'm gonna have to subscribe to
> > newsguy to access news from anywhere but home. Just debating if I
> > want to wait another couple weeks for my credit card to roll over.
> While newsguy works (been using it for years),
> <http://www.teranews.com/> has a free service and
> <http://news.individual.net/> is very inexpensive. Might want to try
> one of those.
> > Renata
> >
> >
> >
> >> > To each his own, I guess. Having used NewsXpress, I can't
> imagine how >> > anybody puts up with Google.Well I might try that,
> as I prefer Google >> > to Agent.
> > >
> > >
> > >
> >> > > Everything is just so much easier
> >> > >to do, and I can do it from anywhere.
> > >
> >> > You have a curious definition of "everything", because, as you
> note >> > below, you can't access binary groups _at_all_ through
> Google.
> > >
> >> > Your definition of "everything" doesn't appear to include
> killfiles >> > and filters, either.I agree that Google badly needs a
> killfile >> > feature. It is the only
> >> serious
> >> newsreader feature that I miss.
> > >
> >> It doesn't have a .sig feature either, but probably on balance,
> that's >> a good thing.
> > >
> > >
> > >
> >> > Quite true -- one reason I don't use Google Groups except to
> look up >> > something in the past. It's a fine archive, but for
> reading current >> > posts, it sucks. ...With Google I can do an ego
> search to see who has >> > replied to
> >> my articles and when reading a thread I can sort by date to see if
> >> there are any new additions. Google also follows threads across
> >> newsgroups.
> > >
> >> With Google, the troll attacks in rec.woowdorking haven't been a
> >> problem.
> >> The dipfloods (DOS attacks) on news.admin.net-abuse.email were for
> a >> while but I think Google may have learned to kill those as
> recently I >> have read about there being new attacks but have seen
> neither hide nor >> hair of them.
> >>
> >> --
> >>
> >> FF

I'm using XanaNews (reader) and Aioe (server with something like 60K
groups) both free. My primary server is Earthlink. Jim


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