"Reynaud" <[email protected]> wrote in
news:[email protected]:
> Has anyone ever used an router set up in an jig to scarf plywood to
> make longer panels for an boat? Please advise if it is feaseable.
> Thanks for any Help.
It is feasable. It's also rather tedious. Alternatives are a
circular saw with a jig (very fast, but limited to thin ply);
a handplane used freehand (simple, and fairly quick on thinner
pieces); a powerplane used freehand (quick, easy to get carried
away and plane more than intended); or a belt sander (hard to
be accurate with).
I do mine with a handplane. If I was doing a lot, I'd probably
go for a circular saw jig.
"Reynaud" <[email protected]> wrote:
>Has anyone ever used an router set up in an jig to scarf plywood to
>make longer panels for an boat? Please advise if it is feaseable.
>Thanks for any Help.
Check out the Gougeon Bros site.
The offer a scarfing jig for a circular saw designed specifically for
scarfing plywood panels used to build boats.