Greg G.

05/12/2005 1:41 AM

Totally Off Topic - Chinese Fur Trade

OK - this is off topic, but I was appalled by this video.
Granted, not much worse than our own slaughter houses, but you better
have a strong constitution (and a fast connection) to watch this:


One of the _many_ reasons I prefer not to do business with China.
I'm no PETA member, but cripes...


Greg G.

This topic has 9 replies


in reply to Greg G. on 05/12/2005 1:41 AM

05/12/2005 10:26 AM

Generally speaking the preferred way to interject a totally off-topic
issue into a newsgroup is to post an on-topic and then append
a brief statement of the issue in question to your articles, perhaps
with a link to more information.

We (TINW) call that "stealth posting".

Greg G. wrote:
> OK - this is off topic, but I was appalled by this video.
> Granted, not much worse than our own slaughter houses, but you better
> have a strong constitution (and a fast connection) to watch this:
> mms://
> One of the _many_ reasons I prefer not to do business with China.
> I'm no PETA member, but cripes...
> Greg G.


"Limey Lurker"

in reply to Greg G. on 05/12/2005 1:41 AM

05/12/2005 3:09 PM

>This is the result of filthy, tainted corporate hands taking over yet
>another aspect of our allegedly "modern" lifestyle. Grrr....

But.....isn't this the American Way?


Greg G.

in reply to Greg G. on 05/12/2005 1:41 AM

05/12/2005 7:12 PM

Limey Lurker said:

>>This is the result of filthy, tainted corporate hands taking over yet
>>another aspect of our allegedly "modern" lifestyle. Grrr....
>But.....isn't this the American Way?

Seems that way...

But lest ye believe thou art pure and unsullied,
You guys have quite a few skeletons in your closet as well... ;-)

Greg G.



in reply to Greg G. on 05/12/2005 1:41 AM

05/12/2005 1:08 PM

Greg G. wrote:
> OK - this is off topic, but I was appalled by this video.
> Granted, not much worse than our own slaughter houses, but you better
> have a strong constitution (and a fast connection) to watch this:

You're right. About both the video and slaughter houses (many of which
are far worse). Humans everywhere treat animals despicably.


dadiOH's dandies v3.06...
...a help file of info about MP3s, recording from
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Get it at


Enoch Root

in reply to Greg G. on 05/12/2005 1:41 AM

05/12/2005 8:23 AM

Greg G. wrote:
> OK - this is off topic, but I was appalled by this video.
> Granted, not much worse than our own slaughter houses, but you better
> have a strong constitution (and a fast connection) to watch this:
> mms://
> One of the _many_ reasons I prefer not to do business with China.
> I'm no PETA member, but cripes...

I'm no PETA member either, but recently I was given a CD from the vegan
store down the street and on that was a film made by a group of kids
that broke into an egg-laying... factory... to make a documentary.

Strong stuff. So strong that now whenever I eat an egg I imagine that
it was pressed out of the anus of one of those moving lumps of infected
flesh living in a cage full of shit and dead chickens... naked and
covered in filth, with infected combs and eyes... ugh.

When this film came out I hadn't seen it but I remember some congress
critter or another saw it and was (suitably, imho) outraged, comparing
the conditions with what the inmates at Auschwitz had to endure.

That congress person received criticism for belittling the experience of
the survivors of Auschwitz but after having seen that film I don't think
it was shy of the mark at all.

It's not just because of the chickens... it's us as a society that
permits that. And damn... I can't really eat eggs after that (I draw no
great comfort from the weak criteria of "free range").

email not valid


Greg G.

in reply to Greg G. on 05/12/2005 1:41 AM

05/12/2005 2:05 AM

Greg G. said:

>OK - this is off topic, but I was appalled by this video.
>Granted, not much worse than our own slaughter houses, but you better
>have a strong constitution (and a fast connection) to watch this:

For you weenie Mac folks <g>, I'll host this MOV for one week only:
(WARNING - 6 MB Quicktime MOVie File)

(Takes a few minutes to load - Just in time for Christmas shopping.)



Greg G.


Greg G.

in reply to Greg G. on 05/12/2005 1:41 AM

05/12/2005 12:38 PM

dadiOH said:

>Greg G. wrote:
>> OK - this is off topic, but I was appalled by this video.
>> Granted, not much worse than our own slaughter houses, but you better
>> have a strong constitution (and a fast connection) to watch this:
>You're right. About both the video and slaughter houses (many of which
>are far worse). Humans everywhere treat animals despicably.

Humans still treat *humans* despicably, how could I expect any better
for the lowly animals...

I guess what struck a major chord was that several of the animals in
the video look just like our pets, and I can't imagine allowing anyone
to treat them in such a fashion - without reciprocating the favor, of

Greg G.


Greg G.

in reply to Greg G. on 05/12/2005 1:41 AM

05/12/2005 2:12 PM

[email protected] said:

>Generally speaking the preferred way to interject a totally off-topic
>issue into a newsgroup is to post an on-topic and then append
>a brief statement of the issue in question to your articles, perhaps
>with a link to more information.
>We (TINW) call that "stealth posting".

Well, anyone who has read a couple of my previous posts is all too
aware that I generally conform to that style of OT injection. ;-)
I'm so easily led astray and off-topic...

Couldn't think of anything WW related to use in this case, however...

I'll try to do better... <g>

Greg G.


Greg G.

in reply to Greg G. on 05/12/2005 1:41 AM

05/12/2005 12:55 PM

Enoch Root said:

>Greg G. wrote:
>> OK - this is off topic, but I was appalled by this video.
>> Granted, not much worse than our own slaughter houses, but you better
>> have a strong constitution (and a fast connection) to watch this:
>> One of the _many_ reasons I prefer not to do business with China.
>> I'm no PETA member, but cripes...
>I'm no PETA member either, but recently I was given a CD from the vegan
>store down the street and on that was a film made by a group of kids
>that broke into an egg-laying... factory... to make a documentary.
>Strong stuff. So strong that now whenever I eat an egg I imagine that
>it was pressed out of the anus of one of those moving lumps of infected
>flesh living in a cage full of shit and dead chickens... naked and
>covered in filth, with infected combs and eyes... ugh.

If most people saw the conditions that exist inside your average
chicken "processing" plant, or livestock slaughter house, they would
probably stop eating commercially processed meats. Not only due to
the inhumane treatment of the animals, but because of the rank filth
and disease that proliferates there... I would hazard the speculation
that the next killer plague or disease that takes out a few million
humans will come from one of these environments.

>It's not just because of the chickens... it's us as a society that
>permits that. And damn... I can't really eat eggs after that (I draw no
>great comfort from the weak criteria of "free range").

Lest you get the idea that I'm some lily white weenie boy, both of my
grandparents owned farms, and they raised livestock for consumption.
The major difference being that the animals were clean, healthy, and
when the time came that an animal was dispatched for food, it was done
as quickly and as painlessly as possible. They held a modicum of
respect for the creatures.

This is the result of filthy, tainted corporate hands taking over yet
another aspect of our allegedly "modern" lifestyle. Grrr....


Greg G.

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