
18/02/2008 12:06 AM

OT: If they had just changed the references a little

I picked this up on another forum, and lot of it rings true. Most
guys I know can relate to at least <<some>> of this, and I don't think
it has much to do with what color, creed, religion or affiliation you
have. It has a lot to do with being a man, though.

If they had just put "American Male" in the article as their
reference, I think it would have been a lot more popular, and probably
rung a bit more true.


It touches on things my buddies and I have been talking about for some
time. Never in the company of strangers, though.


This topic has 13 replies


Fred the Red Shirt

in reply to "[email protected]" on 18/02/2008 12:06 AM

18/02/2008 9:59 PM

On Feb 18, 6:30 pm, "Leon" <[email protected]> wrote:
> "Fred the Red Shirt" <[email protected]> wrote in messagenews:a3c16d4e-ae12-42d2-89ba-83d1f348e648@e25g2000prg.googlegroups.com...
> ...
> >> Not that it whould
> >> matter because every one knows that they cannot vote. ;~
> > That and they don;t have any particular reason to try.
> Ok, I'll let you slide on this one because you simply are not aware of the
> problem. I have a friend that is heavily involved in the election
> procedures and processes during the elections. He has mentioned time and a
> gain how much voter fraud goes on every election. As I mentioned they vote
> early and often, different locations under different names and
> registrations.

I'd be interested in knowing how the fraud is committed, and why it
continues with your friend being aware of how it is committed.

> > I found it very interesting that in the voter id case recently
> > heard by the USSC, the persons defending the law were
> > unable to cite a single documented case of some one not
> > eligible to vote impersonating a registered voter at the
> > polls.
> I find that shocking.

Not I. I figured the people who rig elections have much better
ways of doing so.





in reply to "[email protected]" on 18/02/2008 12:06 AM

18/02/2008 3:40 PM

"Fly-by-Night CC" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> Yeah, it's all because of those damn Mexicans. And before that it was
> those Boat People, and before that it was those Jews, and before that it
> was those Irish, and before that it was those damn Puritans.

It? What is because of those Mexicans? I was pointing out that Hillary
has a voter base because of the illegal Mexicans. Not that it whould
matter because every one knows that they cannot vote. ;~)



in reply to "[email protected]" on 18/02/2008 12:06 AM

18/02/2008 5:30 PM

"Fred the Red Shirt" <[email protected]> wrote in message
> Someone speaks Spanish and you conclude that not only are
> they Mexican, but also illegal.

Yeah, Clonton spoke to the lady and she jabbered back to her in Spanish.
Not too many legals attending political meetings that do not speak English.
When you run in to whold groups of Hispanics that cannot speak English
regardless of age, they are typically illegal.

> I've got news for you, this is the United States of America and our
> citizens are free to speak any damn language they choose.

You don't say.

>> Not that it whould
>> matter because every one knows that they cannot vote. ;~
> That and they don;t have any particular reason to try.

Ok, I'll let you slide on this one because you simply are not aware of the
problem. I have a friend that is heavily involved in the election
procedures and processes during the elections. He has mentioned time and a
gain how much voter fraud goes on every election. As I mentioned they vote
early and often, different locations under different names and

> I found it very interesting that in the voter id case recently
> heard by the USSC, the persons defending the law were
> unable to cite a single documented case of some one not
> eligible to vote impersonating a registered voter at the
> polls.

I find that shocking.



in reply to "[email protected]" on 18/02/2008 12:06 AM

18/02/2008 7:36 PM

Robatoy wrote:
> Water is the new oil. We are Canadian, we share. Come on up and have a
> cold one and check that conquering shit at the border.
> Start messing with the main ingredient for beer, and you're going to
> have a whole bunch of hockey players to deal with.
> BTW, did you know Canadians don't feel pain?
> r
> BTW, that link Big R (Robert) posted rings true up here as well. That
> Hitlery bitch just grates my nerve endings. She'd be worse than
> bush43.
> That douchebag would have a special regiment of gay soldiers all
> dressed up in pink uniforms going after those 'brutes' in the Middle
> East. And a platoon of dykes as well. Most of them look like marines
> already anyway... without the balls of course.

Had a feeling that Canadians might be a bit more protective of their
beer ingredients than of their oil reserves...
We should all take on that attitude - world 'd be a better place.



in reply to "[email protected]" on 18/02/2008 12:06 AM

18/02/2008 2:35 PM

<[email protected]> wrote in message
>I picked this up on another forum, and lot of it rings true. Most
> guys I know can relate to at least <<some>> of this, and I don't think
> it has much to do with what color, creed, religion or affiliation you
> have. It has a lot to do with being a man, though.
> If they had just put "American Male" in the article as their
> reference, I think it would have been a lot more popular, and probably
> rung a bit more true.
> http://www.aspentimes.com/article/2008198091324
> It touches on things my buddies and I have been talking about for some
> time. Never in the company of strangers, though.
> Robert

I have to agree. I saw Hillary talking to a large group of "voters" that
will probably be voting in the election. One stepped up to her and started
rattling off something in the only language that she probably knew, Spanish.
Probably something to the tune of "We will vote early and often on election


Fred the Red Shirt

in reply to "[email protected]" on 18/02/2008 12:06 AM

18/02/2008 11:57 AM

On Feb 18, 10:40 am, "Leon" <[email protected]> wrote:
> "Fly-by-Night CC" <[email protected]> wrote in message
> news:[email protected]...
>>On Feb 18, 9:35 am, "Leon" <[email protected]> wrote:
>> I saw Hillary talking to a large group of "voters" that
>> will probably be voting in the election. One stepped >>
>> up to her and started rattling off something in the only
>> language that she probably knew, Spanish.
> > Yeah, it's all because of those damn Mexicans. And before that it was
> > those Boat People, and before that it was those Jews, and before that it
> > was those Irish, and before that it was those damn Puritans.
> It? What is because of those Mexicans? I was pointing out that Hillary
> has a voter base because of the illegal Mexicans.

Someone speaks Spanish and you conclude that not only are
they Mexican, but also illegal.

I've got news for you, this is the United States of America and our
citizens are free to speak any damn language they choose.

> Not that it whould
> matter because every one knows that they cannot vote. ;~

That and they don;t have any particular reason to try.

I found it very interesting that in the voter id case recently
heard by the USSC, the persons defending the law were
unable to cite a single documented case of some one not
eligible to vote impersonating a registered voter at the

I guess some people think that there is a vast left or right
wing conspiracy to hire armies of illegals to impersonate
dead voters at the polls. The sheer logistics of managing
such a thing at all, let alone keeping it a secret, dissuade
any sensible person from believing that is how voter
fraud is done.

I have know first hand experience but my guess is that after
stuffing the ballot box (or the technological equivalent thereof)
the perpetrator then goes to the registry and enters a number
of signatures for no shows, equal to the number of phony votes.
Some of those no shows will be dead of course.

A friend works the polls in Altadena CA. In the recent primary
they had one more vote cast than there were signatures
of registered voters on registry. She said that is the closest
they have ever come to the two being equal.

I'm confident that voter fraud is committed by a few persons
among the poll workers.




Charlie Self

in reply to "[email protected]" on 18/02/2008 12:06 AM

18/02/2008 8:02 AM

On Feb 18, 10:40 am, "Leon" <[email protected]> wrote:
> "Fly-by-Night CC" <[email protected]> wrote in message
> news:[email protected]...
> > Yeah, it's all because of those damn Mexicans. And before that it was
> > those Boat People, and before that it was those Jews, and before that it
> > was those Irish, and before that it was those damn Puritans.
> It? What is because of those Mexicans? I was pointing out that Hillary
> has a voter base because of the illegal Mexicans. Not that it whould
> matter because every one knows that they cannot vote. ;~)

Leon, Leon, Leon. That's utter bullshit and you know it. Not that it
matters. Unless things take a drastic swing, the Democratic candidate
will be Barack Obama. He has his own constituency.



in reply to "[email protected]" on 18/02/2008 12:06 AM

18/02/2008 11:15 AM

On Feb 18, 1:51=A0pm, Larry Blanchard <[email protected]> wrote:

> Did everyone see the recent prediction that our population would reach
> approx 450 million by 2050? =A0
> I don't care if they're white, black, brown,red, yellow, or polka-dotted,
> that many people is bad news! =A0We'll probably have to conquer Canada for=

> water!

Water is the new oil. We are Canadian, we share. Come on up and have a
cold one and check that conquering shit at the border.
Start messing with the main ingredient for beer, and you're going to
have a whole bunch of hockey players to deal with.
BTW, did you know Canadians don't feel pain?


BTW, that link Big R (Robert) posted rings true up here as well. That
Hitlery bitch just grates my nerve endings. She'd be worse than
That douchebag would have a special regiment of gay soldiers all
dressed up in pink uniforms going after those 'brutes' in the Middle
East. And a platoon of dykes as well. Most of them look like marines
already anyway... without the balls of course.


Fred the Red Shirt

in reply to "[email protected]" on 18/02/2008 12:06 AM

18/02/2008 11:57 AM

On Feb 18, 11:02 am, Charlie Self <[email protected]> wrote:
> On Feb 18, 10:40 am, "Leon" <[email protected]> wrote:
> > "Fly-by-Night CC" <[email protected]> wrote in message
> >news:[email protected]...
> > > Yeah, it's all because of those damn Mexicans. And before that it was
> > > those Boat People, and before that it was those Jews, and before that it
> > > was those Irish, and before that it was those damn Puritans.
> > It? What is because of those Mexicans? I was pointing out that Hillary
> > has a voter base because of the illegal Mexicans. Not that it whould
> > matter because every one knows that they cannot vote. ;~)
> Leon, Leon, Leon. That's utter bullshit and you know it. Not that it
> matters. Unless things take a drastic swing, the Democratic candidate
> will be Barack Obama. He has his own constituency.

And the next President will be John McCain.




Charlie Self

in reply to "[email protected]" on 18/02/2008 12:06 AM

19/02/2008 3:50 AM

On Feb 18, 2:57 pm, Fred the Red Shirt <[email protected]>
> On Feb 18, 11:02 am, Charlie Self <[email protected]> wrote:
> > On Feb 18, 10:40 am, "Leon" <[email protected]> wrote:
> > > "Fly-by-Night CC" <[email protected]> wrote in message
> > >news:[email protected]...
> > > > Yeah, it's all because of those damn Mexicans. And before that it was
> > > > those Boat People, and before that it was those Jews, and before that it
> > > > was those Irish, and before that it was those damn Puritans.
> > > It? What is because of those Mexicans? I was pointing out that Hillary
> > > has a voter base because of the illegal Mexicans. Not that it whould
> > > matter because every one knows that they cannot vote. ;~)
> > Leon, Leon, Leon. That's utter bullshit and you know it. Not that it
> > matters. Unless things take a drastic swing, the Democratic candidate
> > will be Barack Obama. He has his own constituency.
> And the next President will be John McCain.
> --
> FF

Anything is possible. As a man, I really like Senator McCain. He is by
far the most admirable politician I can recall, maybe since the days
of "I Like Ike," back when I was too young to vote. I do NOT like his
support of the war in Iraq, but, then, I don't like Clinton's take
there, either, with an immediate pull-out. Obama doesn't seem to have
a take, except that he's agin those who voted for it. And that's what
worries me about Obama: he is for change and against a couple of
things, but what change, why, and how much? Sure, we need to kick out
the rascals. We always need that. We need to change direction. No
question. But let's have a word or two on what direciton he thinks the
country should go, and how it should be working to get there. Don't
talk to me about change unless you have some express changes in mind.


Fly-by-Night CC

in reply to "[email protected]" on 18/02/2008 12:06 AM

18/02/2008 3:05 PM

In article <[email protected]>,
"Leon" <[email protected]> wrote:

> I have to agree. I saw Hillary talking to a large group of "voters" that
> will probably be voting in the election. One stepped up to her and started
> rattling off something in the only language that she probably knew, Spanish.
> Probably something to the tune of "We will vote early and often on election
> day, VIVA MEXICO".

Yeah, it's all because of those damn Mexicans. And before that it was
those Boat People, and before that it was those Jews, and before that it
was those Irish, and before that it was those damn Puritans.
This Administration begs the question: WWJT?

Owen Lowe
The Fly-by-Night Copper Company



in reply to "[email protected]" on 18/02/2008 12:06 AM

18/02/2008 1:11 PM

"Charlie Self" <[email protected]> wrote in message
> On Feb 18, 10:40 am, "Leon" <[email protected]> wrote:
>> "Fly-by-Night CC" <[email protected]> wrote in message
>> news:[email protected]...
>> > Yeah, it's all because of those damn Mexicans. And before that it was
>> > those Boat People, and before that it was those Jews, and before that
>> > it
>> > was those Irish, and before that it was those damn Puritans.
>> It? What is because of those Mexicans? I was pointing out that
>> Hillary
>> has a voter base because of the illegal Mexicans. Not that it whould
>> matter because every one knows that they cannot vote. ;~)
> Leon, Leon, Leon. That's utter bullshit and you know it. Not that it
> matters. Unless things take a drastic swing, the Democratic candidate
> will be Barack Obama. He has his own constituency.

Well, Hillary does have other legitimate voters but the group she was
speaking was 99% Mexican and I only heard Spanish. The part that gripes me
is that they will vote legally or not and that is a real problem in the
Houston area. Houston these days is a majority population of Hispanics.
Then last spring and summer the Mexicans were holding illegal marches
carrying the Mexican flag and the US flag upside down below it chanting take
back Texas. This was happening in Houston. The Mexican kids were skipping
school to attend with their parents.


Larry Blanchard

in reply to "[email protected]" on 18/02/2008 12:06 AM

18/02/2008 10:51 AM

On Mon, 18 Feb 2008 15:05:16 +0000, Fly-by-Night CC wrote:

> Yeah, it's all because of those damn Mexicans. And before that it was
> those Boat People, and before that it was those Jews, and before that it
> was those Irish, and before that it was those damn Puritans.

Did everyone see the recent prediction that our population would reach
approx 450 million by 2050?

I don't care if they're white, black, brown,red, yellow, or polka-dotted,
that many people is bad news! We'll probably have to conquer Canada for

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