

02/08/2004 12:20 PM

Biscuit jointer glue?

Hi all,
What the best glue to use with beechwood biscuits, and will ordinary PVA

Regards Ron...........

This topic has 12 replies



in reply to "Baalrog" on 02/08/2004 12:20 PM

04/08/2004 9:41 AM

Thanks to All!

Regards Ron...........
"Baalrog" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> Hi all,
> What the best glue to use with beechwood biscuits, and will ordinary
> do?
> --
> Regards Ron...........


Wes Stewart

in reply to "Baalrog" on 02/08/2004 12:20 PM

02/08/2004 10:26 AM

On 2 Aug 2004 09:51:12 -0700, "Will" <[email protected]>

|I was recently wondering the same thing. And with summer heat, want to
|use slower setting glue like Poly. Will Gorilla Glue work well with

Since the biscuits require moisture to expand, theoretically speaking
no. Unless you add water, which you might need to get the poly to cure

What's the matter with plain ole white glue?


in reply to "Baalrog" on 02/08/2004 12:20 PM

02/08/2004 10:37 AM

On 2 Aug 2004 09:51:12 -0700, "Will" <[email protected]>

>I was recently wondering the same thing. And with summer heat, want to
>use slower setting glue like Poly. Will Gorilla Glue work well with

it'll hold them fine, but in order to get them to swell and lock
you'll need to wet the biscuits before assembly.



in reply to "Baalrog" on 02/08/2004 12:20 PM

02/08/2004 9:33 PM

"Baalrog" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> Hi all,
> What the best glue to use with beechwood biscuits, and will ordinary
> do?

PVA will be ok, but a general yellow glue like Titebond II will generally
provide a better grip :)


Dean Bielanowski
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in reply to "Baalrog" on 02/08/2004 12:20 PM

02/08/2004 3:16 PM

"J. Clarke" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> Rumpty wrote:
> > The best glue I have found is Yellow Elmers glue. Titebond drips
> Did you really mean drips there? If so, I'm not clear on what you mean.
> don't intend this to be a spelling flame--I can see where the flow
> characteristics could be an issue.

If you are asking if Tightbond dripping is a problem, yes it can be as it
will pour out without having to squeeze the bottle and can easily flood the
cut with too much glue.


Andy Dingley

in reply to "Baalrog" on 02/08/2004 12:20 PM

03/08/2004 7:25 PM

On Mon, 02 Aug 2004 12:20:37 GMT, "Baalrog"
<[email protected]> wrote:

> What the best glue to use with beechwood biscuits,

My technique:

Dry assemble first, but don't push the biscuits in more than 1/4".
Maybe you're smarter, but I'm a dumbass and I can't spend a day
biscuiting without miscutting at least one in the wrong place so it
won't assemble. It's a pain to discover this, but it's easier to find
out with dry biscuits than wet.

Really cheap PVA - not even the posh woodworking stuff, just the basic
PVA I buy in gallon cans.

Two glue bottles. One has a biscuit slot nozzle, the other has a
roller. The slot bottle contains slightly diluted PVA, the roller
bottle contains it at normal working strength.

Glue the slots first, roller the mating surfaces, insert biscuits and

Use the _white_ rubber mallet to knock things together on assembly.
It's kept just for this purpose, and it's clean.

Never glue the biscuits. They swell before you get them in the slots.

Smert' spamionam



in reply to "Baalrog" on 02/08/2004 12:20 PM

02/08/2004 8:13 AM

The best glue I have found is Yellow Elmers glue. Titebond drips too fast.
Note we use about 10,000 biscuits a year, have tried other glues and always
go back to yellow Elmers.



Radial Arm Saw Forum:

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

"Baalrog" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> Hi all,
> What the best glue to use with beechwood biscuits, and will ordinary
> do?
> --
> Regards Ron...........



in reply to "Baalrog" on 02/08/2004 12:20 PM

02/08/2004 5:08 PM

Titebond is too loose in it's formulation to be good in biscuit joints.
Elmers has the correct consistency for glue application and joint fitting
without the glue running down your pants.



Radial Arm Saw Forum:

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

"Leon" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> "J. Clarke" <[email protected]> wrote in message
> news:[email protected]...
> > Rumpty wrote:
> >
> > > The best glue I have found is Yellow Elmers glue. Titebond drips
> >
> > Did you really mean drips there? If so, I'm not clear on what you mean.
> I
> > don't intend this to be a spelling flame--I can see where the flow
> > characteristics could be an issue.
> If you are asking if Tightbond dripping is a problem, yes it can be as it
> will pour out without having to squeeze the bottle and can easily flood
> cut with too much glue.


in reply to "Baalrog" on 02/08/2004 12:20 PM

03/08/2004 12:24 AM

[email protected] wrote in message news:<[email protected]>...
> On 2 Aug 2004 09:51:12 -0700, "Will" <[email protected]>
> wrote:
> >Hi,
> >
> >I was recently wondering the same thing. And with summer heat, want to
> >use slower setting glue like Poly. Will Gorilla Glue work well with
> >biscuits?
> it'll hold them fine, but in order to get them to swell and lock
> you'll need to wet the biscuits before assembly.

'course, if you do not IMMEDIATELY get that wet biscuit into both it's
slots, it'll never fit...


"J. Clarke"

in reply to "Baalrog" on 02/08/2004 12:20 PM

02/08/2004 9:43 AM

Rumpty wrote:

> The best glue I have found is Yellow Elmers glue. Titebond drips

Did you really mean drips there? If so, I'm not clear on what you mean. I
don't intend this to be a spelling flame--I can see where the flow
characteristics could be an issue.

> too
> fast. Note we use about 10,000 biscuits a year, have tried other glues and
> always go back to yellow Elmers.
> --
> Rumpty
> Radial Arm Saw Forum:
> - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
> "Baalrog" <[email protected]> wrote in message
> news:[email protected]...
>> Hi all,
>> What the best glue to use with beechwood biscuits, and will ordinary
>> do?
>> --
>> Regards Ron...........

Reply to jclarke at ae tee tee global dot net
(was jclarke at eye bee em dot net)



in reply to "Baalrog" on 02/08/2004 12:20 PM

03/08/2004 1:42 AM

PVA will do nicely. Watch it though, those bad boys will swell up with glue
pretty fast. You need to be ready to put it together before you glue.
"Baalrog" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> Hi all,
> What the best glue to use with beechwood biscuits, and will ordinary
> do?
> --
> Regards Ron...........



in reply to "Baalrog" on 02/08/2004 12:20 PM

02/08/2004 12:23 PM

Personally I don't use biscuits....not yet anyway. All I've ever seen Normie
use is yellow glue.

"Baalrog" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> Hi all,
> What the best glue to use with beechwood biscuits, and will ordinary
> do?
> --
> Regards Ron...........

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