The electrician got here today. The cause looks like arcing, as was
suggested here.
We've got a new timer and the proper external box. The timer was the
Intermatic T101, the one I was looking at online. I just requested a timer
and didn't specify which one. (How new are the ones with the big plastic
covers that cover the outlet with something plugged in?)
Never teach your apprentice everything you know.
On Jul 8, 3:25=A0pm, Puckdropper <puckdropper(at)yahoo(dot)com> wrote:
> The electrician got here today. =A0The cause looks like arcing, as was
> suggested here.
> We've got a new timer and the proper external box. =A0The timer was the
> Intermatic T101, the one I was looking at online. =A0I just requested a t=
> and didn't specify which one. =A0(How new are the ones with the big plast=
> covers that cover the outlet with something plugged in?)
> Puckdropper
> --
> Never teach your apprentice everything you know.
They are not very new and have been around for quite some time. Code
now requires them for use in a pool area.
Should have gone with the T101R (Outdoor version of what you have).
Unless it is mounted inside somewhere.
allen476 <[email protected]> wrote in news:07842d3d-6614-42f4-b071-
[email protected]:
> They are not very new and have been around for quite some time. Code
> now requires them for use in a pool area.
> Should have gone with the T101R (Outdoor version of what you have).
> Unless it is mounted inside somewhere.
> Allen
I'd put those weatherproof outlet covers in there even if it wasn't
required. They'd be an easy upgrade for an outlet used for Christmas
lights as well.
It is the R version, I was going from memory on the model number.
Never teach your apprentice everything you know.