A friend of mine is a proprietor of a cigar shop. As such, he winds
up with quite a few empty cigar boxes, and occasionally he sells a few
at the flea market for a couple of bucks apiece. For whatever reason,
he doesn't want particularly to do that anymore; probably too much
work :)
At any rate, I figgered I'd give it a think and I come up with not
much. In keeping with JOAT's creed of taking all free wood, I was
wondering if anybody had some suggestions regarding cigar boxes.
They're all very well made, from a WW perspective, and most use
spanish cedar, which is very good for cigars.
So what to do with 150 different sized, different finished, different
shaped, different decalled, different painted empty cigar boxes? I'm
sure my buddy would let them go at a good price (free to me), but I
can't for the life of me figure what I would do with them.
Thanks for the input,
-Phil Crow
Thu, Aug 12, 2004, 8:33pm (EDT-3) [email protected]
(Phil=A0Crow) claims:
<snip> I can't for the life of me figure what I would do with them.
Are you kidding? Make a few guitars.
You have to kill pessimists, but optimists do it themselves.
FRAGGLE ROCK THEME http://www.muppetsonline.com/midi/fraggle.mid
Thu, Aug 12, 2004, 8:33pm (EDT-3) [email protected]
(Phil=A0Crow) claims:
<snip> I can't for the life of me figure what I would do with them.
Oh yeahl, after you make guitars, send the rest to me.
You have to kill pessimists, but optimists do it themselves.
FRAGGLE ROCK THEME http://www.muppetsonline.com/midi/fraggle.mid
One thought might be to pull them apart for the component faces, less the width
of the joints, and reuse them for other small projects. While the outside faces
are most likely branded, the insides would provide very clean faces.
Another would be to make a mozaic of the covers with their logos facing out,
and framing it as an "art piece." Ever see what framed montages of Jack
Daniels labels go for?
Cigar box guitars are becoming fairly popular dags.
"Phil Crow" <[email protected]> wrote in message =
news:[email protected]...
> A friend of mine is a proprietor of a cigar shop. As such, he winds
> up with quite a few empty cigar boxes, and occasionally he sells a few
> at the flea market for a couple of bucks apiece. For whatever reason,
> he doesn't want particularly to do that anymore; probably too much
> work :)
> At any rate, I figgered I'd give it a think and I come up with not
> much. In keeping with JOAT's creed of taking all free wood, I was
> wondering if anybody had some suggestions regarding cigar boxes.=20
> They're all very well made, from a WW perspective, and most use
> spanish cedar, which is very good for cigars.
> So what to do with 150 different sized, different finished, different
> shaped, different decalled, different painted empty cigar boxes? I'm
> sure my buddy would let them go at a good price (free to me), but I
> can't for the life of me figure what I would do with them.
> Thanks for the input,
> -Phil Crow
On 12 Aug 2004 20:33:07 -0700, [email protected] (Phil Crow)
>A friend of mine is a proprietor of a cigar shop. As such, he winds
>up with quite a few empty cigar boxes, and occasionally he sells a few
>at the flea market for a couple of bucks apiece. For whatever reason,
>he doesn't want particularly to do that anymore; probably too much
>work :)
>At any rate, I figgered I'd give it a think and I come up with not
>much. In keeping with JOAT's creed of taking all free wood, I was
>wondering if anybody had some suggestions regarding cigar boxes.
>They're all very well made, from a WW perspective, and most use
>spanish cedar, which is very good for cigars.
>So what to do with 150 different sized, different finished, different
>shaped, different decalled, different painted empty cigar boxes? I'm
>sure my buddy would let them go at a good price (free to me), but I
>can't for the life of me figure what I would do with them.
>Thanks for the input,
>-Phil Crow
The purses will bring in big bucks, especially made with the illegal
Cuban cigar boxes !!!
Phil Crow wrote:
> A friend of mine is a proprietor of a cigar shop. As such, he winds
> up with quite a few empty cigar boxes, and occasionally he sells a few
> at the flea market for a couple of bucks apiece. For whatever reason,
> he doesn't want particularly to do that anymore; probably too much
> work :)
> At any rate, I figgered I'd give it a think and I come up with not
> much. In keeping with JOAT's creed of taking all free wood, I was
> wondering if anybody had some suggestions regarding cigar boxes.
> They're all very well made, from a WW perspective, and most use
> spanish cedar, which is very good for cigars.
> So what to do with 150 different sized, different finished, different
> shaped, different decalled, different painted empty cigar boxes? I'm
> sure my buddy would let them go at a good price (free to me), but I
> can't for the life of me figure what I would do with them.
> Thanks for the input,
> -Phil Crow
I use them for storage of various small items that need to be grouped
together. Fer-instance, a small box holds by dado shims, a larger one
holds an assortment of router bits (with an insert to stand them up).
I keep spare drill bits in another. Basically they are great for small
sets of _anything_.
Now I have the problem of what to do with about 200 cigar "tins".
Basically a hinged lid tin box about 6"x5"x1/2"
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Make purses out of them.
Cigar box purses are huge here in the south.
"Phil Crow" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> A friend of mine is a proprietor of a cigar shop. As such, he winds
> up with quite a few empty cigar boxes, and occasionally he sells a few
> at the flea market for a couple of bucks apiece. For whatever reason,
> he doesn't want particularly to do that anymore; probably too much
> work :)
> At any rate, I figgered I'd give it a think and I come up with not
> much. In keeping with JOAT's creed of taking all free wood, I was
> wondering if anybody had some suggestions regarding cigar boxes.
> They're all very well made, from a WW perspective, and most use
> spanish cedar, which is very good for cigars.
> So what to do with 150 different sized, different finished, different
> shaped, different decalled, different painted empty cigar boxes? I'm
> sure my buddy would let them go at a good price (free to me), but I
> can't for the life of me figure what I would do with them.
> Thanks for the input,
> -Phil Crow
Store cigars in them?
"Phil Crow" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> A friend of mine is a proprietor of a cigar shop. As such, he winds
> up with quite a few empty cigar boxes, and occasionally he sells a few
> at the flea market for a couple of bucks apiece. For whatever reason,
> he doesn't want particularly to do that anymore; probably too much
> work :)
> At any rate, I figgered I'd give it a think and I come up with not
> much. In keeping with JOAT's creed of taking all free wood, I was
> wondering if anybody had some suggestions regarding cigar boxes.
> They're all very well made, from a WW perspective, and most use
> spanish cedar, which is very good for cigars.
> So what to do with 150 different sized, different finished, different
> shaped, different decalled, different painted empty cigar boxes? I'm
> sure my buddy would let them go at a good price (free to me), but I
> can't for the life of me figure what I would do with them.
> Thanks for the input,
> -Phil Crow
They're available everywhere. Full of cigars. I built a small cabinet a
while ago for a relative. The cabinet used cigar boxes for drawers. I also
got to empty the boxes.
"Grandpa" <jsdebooATcomcast.net> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> Wish you were near Albuquerque, I'd score them and use them for storing
> all manner of things for modeling, decals, woodworking etc. I'd use a
> number of them for doll house furniture too. Darned things are almost
> impossible to find here.
Wish you were near Albuquerque, I'd score them and use them for storing
all manner of things for modeling, decals, woodworking etc. I'd use a
number of them for doll house furniture too. Darned things are almost
impossible to find here.
Grandpa John
Phil Crow wrote:
> A friend of mine is a proprietor of a cigar shop. As such, he winds
> up with quite a few empty cigar boxes, and occasionally he sells a few
> at the flea market for a couple of bucks apiece. For whatever reason,
> he doesn't want particularly to do that anymore; probably too much
> work :)
> At any rate, I figgered I'd give it a think and I come up with not
> much. In keeping with JOAT's creed of taking all free wood, I was
> wondering if anybody had some suggestions regarding cigar boxes.
> They're all very well made, from a WW perspective, and most use
> spanish cedar, which is very good for cigars.
> So what to do with 150 different sized, different finished, different
> shaped, different decalled, different painted empty cigar boxes? I'm
> sure my buddy would let them go at a good price (free to me), but I
> can't for the life of me figure what I would do with them.
> Thanks for the input,
> -Phil Crow