I am new to planes and I broke one today. Of coarse my first reaction
was "What a piece of crap!", but after a little reflection maybe I was
at fault for this one.
When I got the plane, I take it apart and check for the tightness of
the frog screws. They were loose, so I tightened them up. The cap
iron wasn't to close to the end of the iron, so I moved it. Then I put
the iron back in, put the cap iron and lever cap on. The lever on the
lever cap seemed a little loose so I turned the lever cap screw in
about a half a turn. Then the the lever seem to snap good and tight.
Then I adjusted the iron's angle by moving the lateral adjustment lever
and it breaks just below the pivot point.
- How tight should I make the lever cap?
- Do you make lateral adjustments with the lever cap engaged, or do
you have to disengage it first?
- Do you make iron depth of cut adjustments with the lever cap
engaged, or do you have to disengage it?
I would think that the adjustments could be made with the lever cap
snapped on, but maybe I am wrong.
It also seems like the lateral adjustment lever should be able to
handle a little more force than what I applied to it.
Thanks for all your help,