

26/03/2007 6:40 PM

Delta JT160 6" Jointer...

Added a little to the shop today. Picked up a 6" delta at an auction
this past weekend. It needed a little TLC to remove the layer of mud
and dirt that was on it, but the elbow grease and WD40 did wonders.

It rained the night before the auction and turned the fields where it
was held into a mud pit. About 3 or 4 inches deep worth of mud pit.

I basically disassembled it, started with the WD and put the clean
parts back together again...

Here's a link to see the before and after

I'll eventually move up to something a little larger, but right now
this will be just fine.

Anyone have any hints or tricks for getting the blades straight and
level that aren't in the manual? I'll be getting a new set shortly.