"Jim & Sharon"

04/08/2004 6:43 PM

veritas shoulder plane

Does anyone know where i can purchase the Veritas Medium shoulder plane Lee
Valley is sold out of them and will not have them until 8\2004. I would
rather not wait that long for it.

thanks Jimmy

This topic has 4 replies


[email protected] (Charlie Self)

in reply to "Jim & Sharon" on 04/08/2004 6:43 PM

04/08/2004 7:14 PM

James Sengstrom asks:

>Does anyone know where i can purchase the Veritas Medium shoulder plane Lee
>Valley is sold out of them and will not have them until 8\2004. I would
>rather not wait that long for it.

Lee Valley doesn't wholesale their planes, so you're stuck with waiting, I'm
afraid. Which day in 8/2004 is too late for you, by the way?

Charlie Self
"Inanimate objects are classified scientifically into three major categories -
those that don't work, those that break down and those that get lost." Russell


"Lowell Holmes"

in reply to "Jim & Sharon" on 04/08/2004 6:43 PM

04/08/2004 2:35 PM

It's worth waiting on though. :-) It is 8/2004.
Of course, I might sell you mine at marked up price and order another one .
. . .
Just Kidding.

"Charlie Self" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> James Sengstrom asks:
> >Does anyone know where i can purchase the Veritas Medium shoulder plane
> >Valley is sold out of them and will not have them until 8\2004. I would
> >rather not wait that long for it.
> >
> Lee Valley doesn't wholesale their planes, so you're stuck with waiting,
> afraid. Which day in 8/2004 is too late for you, by the way?
> Charlie Self
> "Inanimate objects are classified scientifically into three major
categories -
> those that don't work, those that break down and those that get lost."
> Baker


Larry Jaques

in reply to "Jim & Sharon" on 04/08/2004 6:43 PM

04/08/2004 8:33 PM

On Wed, 04 Aug 2004 18:43:16 GMT, "Jim & Sharon"
<[email protected]> calmly ranted:

>Does anyone know where i can purchase the Veritas Medium shoulder plane Lee
>Valley is sold out of them and will not have them until 8\2004. I would
>rather not wait that long for it.

Doesn't Highland Hardware carry some Veritas tools?

- - -
Brain cells come and brain cells go, but fat cells live forever.
http://diversify.com Website Application Programming for YOU!


"Jim & Sharon"

in reply to "Jim & Sharon" on 04/08/2004 6:43 PM

04/08/2004 8:34 PM

it should say 8/20/04

"Charlie Self" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> James Sengstrom asks:
> >Does anyone know where i can purchase the Veritas Medium shoulder plane
> >Valley is sold out of them and will not have them until 8\2004. I would
> >rather not wait that long for it.
> >
> Lee Valley doesn't wholesale their planes, so you're stuck with waiting,
> afraid. Which day in 8/2004 is too late for you, by the way?
> Charlie Self
> "Inanimate objects are classified scientifically into three major
categories -
> those that don't work, those that break down and those that get lost."
> Baker

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