I just made a small chest out of bird's eye maple. Some of the pieces had
dark wood on the backside, but I didn't care about that; in fact, some of it
was pretty and I almost went with it on the front.
But... I failed to see that the endgrain would show the dark wood also. It
just looks wrong.
Any way to bleach it out?
I thought about putting edge veneer on it, but throught the grain mismatch
would cause it to fail. Anyone tried that?
"BobS" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> Yes and HD has it. To late to run out to the shop to find the bleach but
> to the paint dept and ask for Wood Bleach. It's a two part mix. Follow
> directions and it worked great on a table top I just built made from hard
> maple. Surprised the hell out of me as to how well it looked. Be careful
> on your final sanding though and go light or you'll sand away the bleached
> wood.
I was sceptical, but youve never lied to me before!
Anyhow, the bleach works just fine, thanks.
I don't care for what it does to oak or walnut, but it is okay on maple.
Glad it worked as well for you as it did on mine. I even had some mineral
spots that it took care of and tone differences between boards. One
application and the top looks like it was made from a single board.
Like the package states - mix only what you need cause after about 4 hours
(+/-) it looses its potency but...(and there's always a but). I sealed my
leftovers in a glass jar and used that on the underside of the table and it
worked equally well. So it will loose potency if exposed to air.
Bob S.
"toller" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> "BobS" <[email protected]> wrote in message
> news:[email protected]...
> > Yes and HD has it. To late to run out to the shop to find the bleach
> go
> > to the paint dept and ask for Wood Bleach. It's a two part mix. Follow
> > directions and it worked great on a table top I just built made from
> > maple. Surprised the hell out of me as to how well it looked. Be
> > on your final sanding though and go light or you'll sand away the
> > wood.
> >
> I was sceptical, but youve never lied to me before!
> Anyhow, the bleach works just fine, thanks.
> I don't care for what it does to oak or walnut, but it is okay on maple.
Yes and HD has it. To late to run out to the shop to find the bleach but go
to the paint dept and ask for Wood Bleach. It's a two part mix. Follow
directions and it worked great on a table top I just built made from hard
maple. Surprised the hell out of me as to how well it looked. Be careful
on your final sanding though and go light or you'll sand away the bleached
Bob S.
"toller" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> I just made a small chest out of bird's eye maple. Some of the pieces had
> dark wood on the backside, but I didn't care about that; in fact, some of
> was pretty and I almost went with it on the front.
> But... I failed to see that the endgrain would show the dark wood also.
> just looks wrong.
> Any way to bleach it out?
> I thought about putting edge veneer on it, but throught the grain mismatch
> would cause it to fail. Anyone tried that?