
[email protected] (Malcolm Webb)

03/09/2004 7:52 AM

Deacon's Bench

I'm fairly new to serious woodworking and new to this group.

Does anyone know where I could get free plans for what is called a
"Deacon's Bench" (a 2-seater) in America or a "Monk's Chair"
(single-seater) here in the UK. Was also known as a "Box Settle" I

We have just moved house and have a need for something in the front porch
to store outdoor shoes. Also, as I get older, I can no longer stand to
put on my shoes so need somewhere to sit!!
Many thanks in advance for any help.

Malcolm Webb
Lincoln UK.

This topic has 6 replies



in reply to [email protected] (Malcolm Webb) on 03/09/2004 7:52 AM

03/09/2004 10:58 AM

[email protected] (Malcolm Webb) wrote in
news:[email protected]:

> I'm fairly new to serious woodworking and new to this group.
> Does anyone know where I could get free plans for what is called a
> "Deacon's Bench" (a 2-seater) in America or a "Monk's Chair"
> (single-seater) here in the UK. Was also known as a "Box Settle" I
> believe.
> We have just moved house and have a need for something in the front
> porch to store outdoor shoes. Also, as I get older, I can no longer
> stand to put on my shoes so need somewhere to sit!!
> Many thanks in advance for any help.
> Malcolm Webb
> Lincoln UK.

I googled for deacon's bench, and about the third link that came up was a
plan ...

Best regards
email address is invalid



in reply to Han on 03/09/2004 10:58 AM

05/09/2004 10:59 AM

[email protected] (Malcolm Webb) wrote in
news:[email protected]:

> Many thanks. I had actually tried a google and came up with that
> plan, but it is short on detail but has helped me to start planning.
> What I was asking was if anyone has made one of these and would be
> willing to share the plans with me.
> Many thanks
> Malcolm Webb
I'm not sure what you are asking, but if it is can you save a little money
by using plans someone else has paid for, then you should go to another
newsgroup. Compared to the price of wood and supplies, as well as your
valuable time in making the subject item, the price of a plan is minuscule.

Best regards
email address is invalid


Larry Jaques

in reply to Han on 03/09/2004 10:58 AM

05/09/2004 9:07 AM

On Sun, 5 Sep 2004 07:24 +0100 (BST), [email protected] (Malcolm Webb)
calmly ranted:

>Many thanks. I had actually tried a google and came up with that plan,
>but it is short on detail but has helped me to start planning.

"that plan"? You'll have to quote the poster if you want
anyone to know what the 'ell you're talking about, Malcolm.
Wreck reference files.

>What I was asking was if anyone has made one of these and would be willing
>to share the plans with me.

Nope, not here in Grants Pass, OR, USA.
How about this one? Complete with animations.

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[email protected] (Malcolm Webb)

in reply to Han on 03/09/2004 10:58 AM

05/09/2004 7:24 AM

Many thanks. I had actually tried a google and came up with that plan,
but it is short on detail but has helped me to start planning.

What I was asking was if anyone has made one of these and would be willing
to share the plans with me.

Many thanks

Malcolm Webb


[email protected] (Malcolm Webb)

in reply to [email protected] (Malcolm Webb) on 05/09/2004 7:24 AM

06/09/2004 9:38 AM

I wasn't trying to save money particularly -- I'm not that much of a
cheapskate :-) I'm quite prepared to buy a set of plans if I can find
what I am looking for.

But I hadn't, at the time, seen any designs or plans that are anything
like approaching what I was looking for whether for sale or otherwise.

I have now seen a Monk's Chair for sale in a local store which is the sort
of design I had been searching for. So I have measured it up (on the
pretext that I was checking its size to see if it would fit). It's not
exactly what I had in mind but the proportions are perfect and I now have
all the dimensions I need to make a set of working drawings which I can
adapt to suit my own ideas.

Many thanks for all the help from everyone in this excellent newsgroup.

Malcolm Webb

***********ORIGINAL MESSAGE*************

I'm not sure what you are asking, but if it is can you save a little money
by using plans someone else has paid for, then you should go to another
newsgroup. Compared to the price of wood and supplies, as well as your
valuable time in making the subject item, the price of a plan is

Best regards
email address is invalid


Jim Behning

in reply to Han on 03/09/2004 10:58 AM

05/09/2004 1:57 PM

I made one in college woodshop class. My semester of easy classes. But
I like woodworking and I had to fill some electives. If my email makes
any sense I can send you some pictures of what I made and I can
scribble some dimensions. My shop teacher told us to make a drawing of
what we wanted to build. Then we were to make a drawing full scale. I
looked a few benches at the store with a tape measure and started
drawing. Well that was 25 years ago so I think that is what he had us
do. Drawing to full scale sort of forces those of us who have a hard
time visualizing. I for one have a hard time visualizing. I drew a
garage 22x22. Once I built it and parked vehicles in it I discovered
it was at least 2 feet too small. I could have built it at least 4-6
wider at no significant additional expense.

[email protected] Remove the spamblocker. and it
should go through.

[email protected] (Malcolm Webb) wrote:

>Many thanks. I had actually tried a google and came up with that plan,
>but it is short on detail but has helped me to start planning.
>What I was asking was if anyone has made one of these and would be willing
>to share the plans with me.
>Many thanks
>Malcolm Webb

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