Pretty neat actually, but anytime you've got something like this
made of glass, and you've got kids, sooner or later it's gonna get
broken. You can almost bet on it.
But, I think these would look pretty neat made out of wood, maybe
These are on a Wiccan site. Personally, I consider Wicca an
oranized religion, so don't follow it.
Jesus was a Ford man, that's why he walked everywhere.
J T wrote:
> Pretty neat actually, but anytime you've got something like this
> made of glass, and you've got kids, sooner or later it's gonna get
> broken. You can almost bet on it.
> But, I think these would look pretty neat made out of wood, maybe
> painted.
> These are on a Wiccan site. Personally, I consider Wicca an
> oranized religion, so don't follow it.
I notice there are a couple on that site that are made out of "Sheshemwood".
Googled it and found a bunch of stuff made out of it but only one source
for the wood itself, in India. The FPL database doesn't find it. Seems to
be popular in India. Wonder if it's their name for something commonplace
or if it's something wonderfully exotic with marvelous mystical properties
or if it's a Wiccan thing or just cheap? Any ideas?
> Jesus was a Ford man, that's why he walked everywhere.
Reply to jclarke at ae tee tee global dot net
(was jclarke at eye bee em dot net)
Mon, Aug 9, 2004, 12:14am [email protected] (J.=A0Clarke) wants to
I notice there are a couple on that site that are made out of
"Sheshemwood". <snip> Any ideas?
If I recall rightly, that derives from Sandskrit, and a rough,
translation would be jummywood.
Jesus was a Ford man, that's why he walked everywhere.
On Mon, 09 Aug 2004 00:14:33 -0400, "J. Clarke"
<[email protected]> wrote:
>I notice there are a couple on that site that are made out of "Sheshemwood".
Every small box you see imported from India, especially those with the
brass inlay, is made from sheshamwood. It seems to work nicely, for
there are intricate carvings and inlays done with it, yet I've got a
turned platter of the same stuff that's about 16" across and stable.
Never seen it as raw timber.
I think JOAT, the renowned Sanskrit expert, is correct in his
translation as "jummywood"
Smert' spamionam