Jay Pique <[email protected]> wrote in message news:<[email protected]>...
> Anyone know where I can source some 3/16 x 1 1/2 x 16" steel
> continuous hinges? I'm making some simple storage containers and
> would like some simple to install hinges. Thanks -
> JP
Jay, check out Grizzly web site and discontinued tools. I received a
flyer with a shipment yesterday. One of the items was piano hinges. Do
not recall sizes or prices but might be worth a look.
In article <[email protected]>,
Jay Pique <[email protected]> wrote:
>Anyone know where I can source some 3/16 x 1 1/2 x 16" steel
>continuous hinges? I'm making some simple storage containers and
>would like some simple to install hinges. Thanks -
cut 'em to size, out of some longer ones?
"Jay Pique" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> If I do this, will I still be able to somehow keep the pin from
> falling out? I'm pretty light on metalworking skills....
Crimp and or flatten the bottom end at the pin if the pin wants to come
out.. A lite whack with a hammer should do it. Home Depot and Lowes also
have these hinges.
On Tue, 15 Jun 2004 19:13:06 -0400, Jay Pique <[email protected]>
>"Frank McVey wrote:
>>Hi Jay,
>>DAGS for "piano hinge". Rockler stock it. Simply cut it to size with a
>If I do this, will I still be able to somehow keep the pin from
>falling out? I'm pretty light on metalworking skills....
>>I'm not sure that I uderstand your dimensions, which seem to imply that
>>you're looking for an assymetric hinge. All the piano hinges I've seen have
>>had leaves of equal sizes.
>Not asymetric - the dimensions listed are Thickness x Width x Length.
>The leaves are each 3/4". If I need to, I'll get a couple 48 inchers
>and cut them down into thirds less a couple of kerf widths. I'm
>guessing I should remove the pin prior to cutting so as to have enough
>left to pein over?
this probably won't be necessary. Pretty much all piano hinges have
the pin crimped in every few inches. they're made to be cut to length.
Hi Jay,
DAGS for "piano hinge". Rockler stock it. Simply cut it to size with a
I'm not sure that I uderstand your dimensions, which seem to imply that
you're looking for an assymetric hinge. All the piano hinges I've seen have
had leaves of equal sizes.
"Jay Pique" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> Anyone know where I can source some 3/16 x 1 1/2 x 16" steel
> continuous hinges? I'm making some simple storage containers and
> would like some simple to install hinges. Thanks -
> JP
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Leon wrote:
> "Jay Pique" <[email protected]> wrote in message
> news:[email protected]...
>> If I do this, will I still be able to somehow keep the pin from
>> falling out? I'm pretty light on metalworking skills....
> Crimp and or flatten the bottom end at the pin if the pin wants to come
> out.. A lite whack with a hammer should do it.
Or a drop of red Loctite (Loctite 271 if you're getting it from an
industrial supplier). Don't use too much though.
> Home Depot and Lowes
> also have these hinges.
Reply to jclarke at ae tee tee global dot net
(was jclarke at eye bee em dot net)
J. Clarke wrote:
> Leon wrote:
>>"Jay Pique" <[email protected]> wrote in message
>>news:[email protected]...
>>>If I do this, will I still be able to somehow keep the pin from
>>>falling out? I'm pretty light on metalworking skills....
>>Crimp and or flatten the bottom end at the pin if the pin wants to come
>>out.. A lite whack with a hammer should do it.
> Or a drop of red Loctite (Loctite 271 if you're getting it from an
> industrial supplier). Don't use too much though.
Make sure you're fastening the same leaf to the pin, whichever way you go.
"Frank McVey wrote:
>Hi Jay,
>DAGS for "piano hinge". Rockler stock it. Simply cut it to size with a
If I do this, will I still be able to somehow keep the pin from
falling out? I'm pretty light on metalworking skills....
>I'm not sure that I uderstand your dimensions, which seem to imply that
>you're looking for an assymetric hinge. All the piano hinges I've seen have
>had leaves of equal sizes.
Not asymetric - the dimensions listed are Thickness x Width x Length.
The leaves are each 3/4". If I need to, I'll get a couple 48 inchers
and cut them down into thirds less a couple of kerf widths. I'm
guessing I should remove the pin prior to cutting so as to have enough
left to pein over?
>"Jay Pique" <[email protected]> wrote in message
>news:[email protected]...
>> Anyone know where I can source some 3/16 x 1 1/2 x 16" steel
>> continuous hinges? I'm making some simple storage containers and
>> would like some simple to install hinges. Thanks -
>> JP
>Outgoing mail is certified Virus Free.
>Checked by AVG anti-virus system (http://www.grisoft.com).
>Version: 6.0.688 / Virus Database: 449 - Release Date: 18/05/2004