I've got an essentially 1 1/2" square piece of wood 3' long with one
corner running about a blade width outside the core of the tree: the
growth rings end square to the surface on two adjacent sides. It's pine
but about as tight grained as you'll fine and it used to live in the
bathroom wall of a '70s build house.
I want to cut a rectangular notch out of one corner the length of the
board, about half way across one face and a third of the way up the
adjacent face.
From the end of the notch (on the side about a third of the way up)
I'll cut across to the corner opposite from which the notch was taken
out. The cut across won't be flat but on about a 12.5" radius, so not far
from it.
I'm going to be gluing a bent piece of 3/16 plywood to the radiused
edge that's going to have some spring back left in it. There will be
plenty of solid radiused support at the ends and a couple of ribs
along the way to help hold the curve.
My question is which way do I turn the end grain before I start