Those of you that've been here all week will already know about all
of this stuff, so you're welcome to pass it buy.
There've been a few of people lately wondering on why I post plans
like I do. Actually, one called them spam. I'm not trying to sell
anything so they aren't spam.
I'll try to keep it all pretty brief, and simple for those of you
with a short attention span. I post the plans one link at a time,
rather than a page with a whole list of links for a reason. Actually
everything I do I have a reason for it. But a LOT of people think that
just because they don't know the reason, that ther is no reason.
Anyway, some people here, quite a few as I understand it, have to
pay by the minute for their computer access. For them to have to sift
thru a list of links for maybe one, or two, they can use is not only
making them spend money doing this, I consider it impolite to make them
do so. So, I post links I think may be of interest, one link at a time.
Got it now? I also put the posts with plans links in all caps - so
people can tell it's a plan link, and pass it by if they want. Usually
the subject is ppretty much self explanatory, sometimes not. Usualy if
it's not so clear I try to put an explanation in the post. Usually does
not mean every single time.
Then we get the people that bitch about me posting plans. They're
plans people, free plans. If you don't want to use it, no prob. If you
don't want to look at it, no prob. Of all the people that bitch about
the amount, type, or quality, of the plans I post, I don't recall seing
even one of those people posting any plan. Yet they bitch.
And no, I do not spend my time surfing the web looking for plans to
post. Hell, even my kids would be lucky to get me to look for a plan
for them, so I'm sure not going to wast my time looking for plans to
post. I find the plans by searching - for projects, or interests, for
my own use. As surprising as it may seem to some of you, most of my
searches aren't even related to woodworking. But even the most arcane
seach often turns up woodworking plans. I post some of the woodworking
plans I think will be of interest. And a few I just think are funny.
Or, will piss some of the too tight people off - that's always fun.
Most of the really good plans aren't about wood at all, but those
rarely, if ever, get posted.. Also, which may surprise you, I've never
posted more than 10% of the plans I've found, usually the ratio is more
like 1%-5% of what I run across. I very seldom post pay plans, unless
it's something especially interesting, and they put PAY in the subject
line. I post free plans.
Any time you see a minor flood of plans posts by me, then you can
bet I'm making a search for something. By search, I meanmultiple
searches, changing words in the search phrases, over and over. I don't
stop after checking just on page or two. I check at least 10 pages, and
normally more. So in one sitting I may do up to 30-40 different
searches. Those woodworking searches I make, still for myself, are
possibly 50%-75% using googal image searches. I seldom use plans, but
so get new ideas from what other's have done.
When I run across something that might be us use, or interesting,
it only takes a few seconds to post it. So why not? By the way, I
don't do plans requests. So don't even bother to ask. You want a plan,
then check the archives (chances are one's already been posted at some
time or another) or do your own search.
Oh yeah, every once in awhile I run across something neat, but no
plans, so I post an INSPIRATION post. Making your own plans with that
as the inspiration is the point.
There's gonna be a few of you that aren't going to get it, but
that's OK. Ask all the questions you want. Just don't count on
And remember, if you think you're time is too valuable to "waste"
it searching for plans, don't think anyone's time is worth so little
they'll be willing to search it for you. After all, if it's not worth
spending your own time, for something "you" want, why should you ask
someone else to do it if there's nothing in it for them? Those are
often the guys that claim they've just spend $1500 or so for a table saw
and then want someone to find a free plan for them. And too often want
it e-mailed to them. Hah! You want a plan, or an answer to a question,
if it's important enough to post, it's important enough to check back
for replies.
Rason this is so long is, I just got thru searching for some info I
needed. Got the info, but it's too lade to make noise out in the shop,
so decided to post this.
By the way, for those that aren't aware, I'm the High Priest of the
Woodworking Gods - I handle all their admin work. If you don't want
them pissed at you it's considered police to send them a small sacrifce,
in care of me. No blood or burnt sacrifices, a bit of nice wood will do.
A slightly used virgin (human only), expecially if she likes housework,
would also be acceptable - human. For you sickos that send goats, I'm
not gonna ask what your relationship with them was, but they'll just be
used for BBQ - and the Woodworking Gods don't like goat BBQ. Be warned.
And that captal W and capital G. Be doubly warned. But if you do send
an acceptable sacrifice they're good buddys with the Car Gods - Manny,
Moe, and Jack.
Life is basically good.
I am not paranoid. I do not "think" people are after me. I "know" damn
well they're after me.
On Sat, 23 Sep 2006 08:08:37 -0400, "Owen Lawrence"
<[email protected]> wrote:
>Several times a year I grab something and save it. The inspirations are
>always appreciated. So I say thanks, and keep up the good work!
Make that two of us.
Every so often, JOAT posts a jewel. Some are fine furniture, some are
shop carts, some simply demonstrate a solution to something that's
been bugging me for a while... ;^)
The description of "jewel" varies greatly to each of us at any point
in time.
Sat, Sep 23, 2006, 8:45pm (EDT+4) [email protected] (B=A0A=A0R=A0R=A0Y)
doth posteth:
<snip> The description of "jewel" varies greatly to each of us at any
point in time.
Ah yes, that recalls fond memories of the pinecone turkey, a true
The Woodworking Gods say hi Barry.
You'll never get anywhere if you believe what you "hear". What do you
- Granny Weatherwax
Fri, Sep 22, 2006, 11:35pm (EDT-3) [email protected] (boorite) doth
Would it be so wrong to tell those people to cram it?
At last, someone that has learned how to snip.
Nope, be my guest, you're welcome to tell anyone that deserves it.
I am not paranoid. I do not "think" people are after me. I "know" damn
well they're after me.
J T wrote:
> Anyway, some people here, quite a few as I understand it, have to
> pay by the minute for their computer access. For them to have to sift
> thru a list of links for maybe one, or two, they can use is not only
> making them spend money doing this, I consider it impolite to make them
OTOH, one could say it is impolite to those who aren't interested in
plans in general to have to sift through all the postings to see the
other posts in the group... :)
I have only one real complaint even though I really don't care about
the plans a whit---
That is, could you _PLEASE_ kill the stoopid sig line on at least these
postings? What little cuteness it once had is by now pretty much
gone...and for those for whom you're trying to be so considerate of
their logged on time, it just adds needless bandwidth... :)
Sat, Sep 23, 2006, 11:35am (EDT-3) [email protected] (dpb) doth
woefully pleadeth:
<snip> could you _PLEASE_ kill the stoopid sig line on at least these
postings? <snip>
This one's for you.
If you're too tight-assed to dance you probably won't like it here.
Tom J wrote:
> You are the only 1 that replied so far that needs to learn how to use
> your filter to stop the posts by JT ...
I use killfiles _very_ sparingly and while I am not interested in the
plans, JT doesn't come even close to meeting the criteria for
entering... :)
OTOH, I see no reason since he opened the subject to not comment.
J T wrote:
> Those of you that've been here all week will already know about all
> of this stuff, so you're welcome to pass it buy.
> There've been a few of people lately wondering on why I post plans
> like I do. Actually, one called them spam. I'm not trying to sell
> anything so they aren't spam.
Nonsense. Spam is spam regardless of whether or not you are selling
The Cabal (there is not cabal) defines spam thus:
Your articles are not spam because they are on-topic for the newsgroup
and are not repeated or widely crossposted.
Of course 'spam' being slang, anyone can redefine it any way they
want. Spammers do it all the time:
Mon, Sep 25, 2006, 4:23pm (EDT-3) [email protected] doth adviseth
<snip> Your articles are not spam because they are on-topic for the
newsgroup and are not repeated or widely crossposted. <snip>
I suppose this means I should cancel my mass e-mail plans to
everyone in the group.
You'll never get anywhere if you believe what you "hear". What do you
- Granny Weatherwax
> Those of you that've been here all week will already know about all
> of this stuff, so you're welcome to pass it buy.
> There've been a few of people lately wondering on why I post plans
> like I do. Actually, one called them spam. I'm not trying to sell
> anything so they aren't spam.
I ignore most of the plans you post but I always scan the subject lines.
Several times a year I grab something and save it. The inspirations are
always appreciated. So I say thanks, and keep up the good work!
- Owen -
Sat, Sep 23, 2006, 8:08am [email protected] (Owen=A0Lawrence) doth
I ignore most of the plans you post but I always scan the subject lines.
Several times a year I grab something and save it. <snip>
I ignore some of 'em myself.
I learned long ago, if you find a link you really, really, want to
keep, then save it. And then, print a hardcopy of it . Links do die at
times, and lost a couple of very nice plans I was about to use that way. =
I am not paranoid. I do not "think" people are after me. I "know" damn
well they're after me.
"J T" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> do so. So, I post links I think may be of interest, one link at a time.
> Got it now? I also put the posts with plans links in all caps - so
> people can tell it's a plan link, and pass it by if they want. Usually
> the subject is ppretty much self explanatory, sometimes not. Usualy if
> it's not so clear I try to put an explanation in the post. Usually does
> not mean every single time.
IMHO I think it would be better if you posted them all in one post. I am on
dialup, and it takes a few seconds to download each post (connecting to the
nntp server), if they were all in one post it would be much quicker...
"J T" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> This is a democratic group - one man, one vote. I'm the man, and
> I've got the vote. It ain't gonna happen.
If you don't care about others opinions, then why bother to try and explain
Mon, Sep 25, 2006, 1:53pm [email protected] (Locutus) doth query:
If you don't care about others opinions, then why bother to try and
explain yourself?
I guess you don't get it. I'd already explained by I post one link
at a time. He wanted me to change that and post multiple links - for
just his benefit.
You'll never get anywhere if you believe what you "hear". What do you
- Granny Weatherwax
Sun, Sep 24, 2006, 11:15am [email protected] (TBM) doth dreameth thusly:
IMHO I think it would be better if you posted them all in one post. I am
on dialup, and it takes a few seconds to download each post (connecting
to the nntp server), if they were all in one post it would be much
This is a democratic group - one man, one vote. I'm the man, and
I've got the vote. It ain't gonna happen.
You'll never get anywhere if you believe what you "hear". What do you
- Granny Weatherwax
> This is a democratic group - one man, one vote. I'm the man, and
> I've got the vote. It ain't gonna happen.
Since this is a democratic group, I'm going to throw my 2cents in.
IMHO your inspiration posts are annoying. I use to have you plonked for a
long time, but recently unplonked you just incase I was missing something
you said. Unfortionately, it doesn't appear that I have been missing
What I don't understand is how people can find your posts handy. I don't
use plans, but IF I did I would use GOOGLE and find what I needed that way.
Do you um, Google? :)
As you are aware you can post any dam thing you want. Could you picture
what this newsgroup would look like if just 25% of the people that
participate in this NG decided to post 10 inspiration posts per day?
Geesh. Would I need to plonk all of them too?
See ya JT. No offense, I just like the woodworking content, not what you
find on the interenet to be interesting.
> You'll never get anywhere if you believe what you "hear". What do you
> "know"?.
> - Granny Weatherwax
Sun, Sep 24, 2006, 6:14pm (EDT-1) [email protected] (John) now doth
Cool it Stoutman. If you get GOAT mad, he may threaten to go away again
Oooo, shatter my world. The one that claims he has a PC, but
posteth with a WebTV. You're what, in the seventh grade now? One of
the reasons I depart the group to forget. Then forget and show up
again. A cruel cycle. Reading your posts makes me feel like I'm beeing
nibbled to death by baby ducks. Eat recycled food and have a happy next
You'll never get anywhere if you believe what you "hear". What do you
- Granny Weatherwax
Sun, Sep 24, 2006, 10:13pm (EDT+4) .@. (Stoutman) doth posteth:
IMHO your inspiration posts are annoying. <snip>
What I don't understand is how people can find your posts handy. I don't
use plans, but IF I did I would use GOOGLE and find what I needed that
way. Do you um, Google? :)
<snip> See ya JT. No offense, I just like the woodworking content, not
what you find on the interenet to be interesting.
No biggie. I'm basing a coffeet table on one of those insprations.
That's what I figure there for - inspiration.
I don't use plans either. I do a lot of searching - with google,
and see a LOT of plans. But, occassionally someone here will post
something I've not seen before, that I get an idea from. That's handy.
Actually, I seldom post things that "I" find interesting. Most
of those things aren't associated with woodworking, or are so obscure or
arcane most people wouldn't appreciate them. What I post is what I
think "other" people would be interested in. No prob.
You'll never get anywhere if you believe what you "hear". What do you
- Granny Weatherwax
I agree. Him and the rest of WebTV are in my killfile. The only thing I see
is these threads talking about it.
"Stoutman" <.@.> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> IMHO your inspiration posts are annoying.
"CW" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
>I agree. Him and the rest of WebTV are in my killfile. The only thing I see
> is these threads talking about it.
> "Stoutman" <.@.> wrote in message
> news:[email protected]...
>> IMHO your inspiration posts are annoying.
Ahh yes, the good ole WebTV people. Them's a good thing to have in a blocked
Sun, Sep 24, 2006, 10:15pm [email protected] (Tim=A0Taylor) doth
Ahh yes, the good ole WebTV people. Them's a good thing to have in a
blocked file.
Gee, I guess that means if I get a PC you fellers won't block me
LMAO Don't worry guys, I'm not likely to get a PC anytime soon, wo
your safe for awhile.
You'll never get anywhere if you believe what you "hear". What do you
- Granny Weatherwax
If I get a vote J.T. I say keep em comin. Oh yeah and thanks.
"J T" <[email protected]> wrote in message =
news:[email protected]...
> Sun, Sep 24, 2006, 11:15am [email protected] (TBM) doth dreameth thusly:
> IMHO I think it would be better if you posted them all in one post. I =
> on dialup, and it takes a few seconds to download each post =
> to the nntp server), if they were all in one post it would be much
> quicker...
> This is a democratic group - one man, one vote. I'm the man, and
> I've got the vote. It ain't gonna happen. =20
> You'll never get anywhere if you believe what you "hear". What do you
> "know"?.
> - Granny Weatherwax
"Locutus" <[email protected]> wrote in message
> If you don't care about others opinions, then why bother to try and
> explain yourself?
JOAT has been that way ever since he took those sensitivity classes. He
dislikes offending anyone.
Mon, Sep 25, 2006, 6:28pm (EDT+4) [email protected] (Edwin=A0Pawlowski) doth
JOAT has been that way ever since he took those sensitivity classes. He
dislikes offending anyone.
I'd recommend those classes for anyone, they really worked for me.
You'll never get anywhere if you believe what you "hear". What do you
- Granny Weatherwax
On Mon, 25 Sep 2006 19:43:23 -0400, [email protected] (J T)
> I'd recommend those classes for anyone, they really worked for me.
>You'll never get anywhere if you believe what you "hear". What do you
>- Granny Weatherwax
Geez, and I thought you had just gotten soft or something. In an
earlier post you addressed somebody who slapped you as "buttercup".
Wonders never cease.
Posted via a free Usenet account from
Thu, Sep 28, 2006, 10:49am (EDT-1) [email protected] (Chris=A0Dubea)
doth burbleth:
Geez, and I thought you had just gotten soft or something. In an earlier
post you addressed somebody who slapped you as "buttercup". Wonders
never cease.
I'll put it this way, if you get called "Buttercup" by ME, it will
NOT be because I want a date with you. I can't speak for anyone else
calling you Buttercup.
You'll never get anywhere if you believe what you "hear". What do you
- Granny Weatherwax
Mon, Sep 25, 2006, 8:28pm (EDT-1) [email protected] (Swingman) did thusly
I tried that year before last and it didn't work ... she stayed an
She was probably impressed by the quality of your work and wanted
to stay longer to admire your skills. Either that or she was pissed and
wanted some payback. LOL
You'll never get anywhere if you believe what you "hear". What do you
- Granny Weatherwax
On Mon, 25 Sep 2006 19:43:23 -0400, [email protected] (J T)
> I'd recommend those classes for anyone, they really worked for me.
Hell yes and it is obvious that you excelled in them.
I like to watch these anti-JOAT threads every two or three years -
just to make sure that the world hasn't changed.
As usual, you have my support to keep posting whatever the hell you
feel like posting - not that you give a damn - but a small measure of
support on an intermittent basis is not a bad thing for any man.
I make my own plans but that don't make me special - only hardheaded.
You keep posting - I'll keep looking.
(i might use the pinecone turkey this year - just to offend my mother
in law)
Tom Watson
tjwatson1ATcomcastDOTnet (real email)
Mon, Sep 25, 2006, 9:23pm [email protected] (Tom=A0Watson) doth thustly
Hell yes and it is obvious that you excelled in them.
I like to watch these anti-JOAT threads every two or three years - just
to make sure that the world hasn't changed.
As usual, you have my support to keep posting whatever the hell you feel
like posting - not that you give a damn - but a small measure of support
on an intermittent basis is not a bad thing for any man.
I make my own plans but that don't make me special - only hardheaded.
You keep posting - I'll keep looking.
(i might use the pinecone turkey this year - just to offend my mother in
Yep, those classes are great. Really makes me want to give
something back to the community - maybe bcome a police sniper or
We all need reassurance of stability in the cosmos at times.
I'll accept all the suport I can get. And appreciate it too.
Nah, not hardheaed - you don' need no steenkin' plans.. Making
your own plans shows you're using at least some of your imagination.
Besides, plans aren't hard and fast rules you're required to follow,
they're more like guidelines.
Be careful what you wish for, you piss her off bad enough, she may
give you back that pinecone turkey in a way you won't care for. Maybe
you could make a sponge turkey instead. LMAO
You'll never get anywhere if you believe what you "hear". What do you
- Granny Weatherwax
"Swingman" <[email protected]> wrote:
> "Tom Watson" wrote in message
>> (i might use the pinecone turkey this year - just to offend my mother
>> in law)
> I tried that year before last and it didn't work ... she stayed an
> extra week.
It took her that long to eat the turkey?
On Mon, 25 Sep 2006 20:28:55 -0500, "Swingman" <[email protected]> wrote:
>I tried that year before last and it didn't work ... she stayed an extra
OK bro - you give me the next idea. (hee!)
Tom Watson
tjwatson1ATcomcastDOTnet (real email)
Sat, Sep 23, 2006, 12:09pm (EDT+4) [email protected]
(Jesse=A0R=A0Strawbridge) doth sayeth:
<snip> You act like a pre-filter for me. =3D)
Now you're startin' to scare me.
I am not paranoid. I do not "think" people are after me. I "know" damn
well they're after me.
Sat, Sep 23, 2006, 7:49am (EDT-1) [email protected]
([email protected]=A0())
Hey, I know you. You're the same guy who sends me spam e-mail
about forty times a week. I'm still not buying any.
I am not paranoid. I do not "think" people are after me. I "know" damn
well they're after me.
I very much enjoy your postings and look forward to them. I also rarely see
anything that I would want to copy, but many of the plans that you post
quite often have some good ideas in them. Please ignore the sick-o's and
continue posting as you have been. If you started a JT newsgroup to post
them I would add it to the newsgroups that I follow daily. Keep up the good
Sat, Sep 23, 2006, 4:21pm (EDT+4) [email protected] (Charley) doth
posteth thusly:
<snip>.If you started a JT newsgroup <snip>
Don't hold your breath. However, there are a few people out there
that apparently save every link I post. Or, you can just check the
I am not paranoid. I do not "think" people are after me. I "know" damn
well they're after me.
1. Some people have to complain about everything
2. People who have to pay by the minute for their computer access need
to find another hobby or stop using their cell phones to surf with.
3. Your posts are the main reason I come to this newsgroup so don't stop
posting the plans.
4. Remember it's hard to soar like a eagle when there's so many turkeys
Sat, Sep 23, 2006, 10:42am (EDT+4) [email protected] (Dusty) doth
<snip> 2. =A0 =A0 People who have to pay by the minute for their
computer access need to find another hobby or stop using their cell
phones to surf with.
3. =A0 =A0 Your posts are the main reason I come to this newsgroup so
don't stop posting the plans.
2. Wasn't talking about people surving on cell phones. If that's what
they do, they deserve to pay.
3. You don't get out much, do you?
I am not paranoid. I do not "think" people are after me. I "know" damn
well they're after me.
"Owen Lawrence" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
>> Those of you that've been here all week will already know about all
>> of this stuff, so you're welcome to pass it buy.
>> There've been a few of people lately wondering on why I post plans
>> like I do. Actually, one called them spam. I'm not trying to sell
>> anything so they aren't spam.
> I ignore most of the plans you post but I always scan the subject lines.
> Several times a year I grab something and save it. The inspirations are
> always appreciated. So I say thanks, and keep up the good work!
> - Owen -
Have saved only one of your postings this year. But look at almost
everything posted. Keep it up, it's enjoyable. Some will bitch if you hung
'em with a new rope
[email protected] wrote:
> J T wrote:
>> Those of you that've been here all week will already know about all
>> of this stuff, so you're welcome to pass it buy.
>> There've been a few of people lately wondering on why I post plans
>> like I do. Actually, one called them spam. I'm not trying to sell
>> anything so they aren't spam.
> Nonsense. Spam is spam regardless of whether or not you are selling
> something.
> The Cabal (there is not cabal) defines spam thus:
> Your articles are not spam because they are on-topic for the newsgroup
> and are not repeated or widely crossposted.
> Of course 'spam' being slang, anyone can redefine it any way they
> want. Spammers do it all the time:
Oh, go ahead, we'll reply:-)
On Sat, 23 Sep 2006 02:00:36 -0400, [email protected] (J T)
> Those of you that've been here all week will already know about all
>of this stuff, so you're welcome to pass it buy.
Don't change anything, the one-liner label is perfect. The complainers
might be better to take their PCs back to the shop. This is Usenet,
almost anything goes.
On Sat, 23 Sep 2006 02:00:36 -0400, [email protected] (J T)
> Those of you that've been here all week will already know about all
>of this stuff, so you're welcome to pass it buy.
> Life is basically good.
>I am not paranoid. I do not "think" people are after me. I "know" damn
>well they're after me.
For years I've been saving selected posts of yours. I even put one to
practical use every now and then. I won't stop if you won't.
Anyone who can't figure out how to set up a filter deserves what they
get. UseNet Darwinism at work.
Mike Patterson
Please remove the spamtrap to email me.
"I always wanted to be somebody...I should have been more specific..." - Lily Tomlin
Sun, Sep 24, 2006, 1:11am [email protected]
(Mike=A0Patterson) doth proclaimeth:
For years I've been saving selected posts of yours. I even put one to
practical use every now and then. I won't stop if you won't. <snip>
My main goal in life has now been achieved. The pinecone turkey
has achieved immortality. I'll put in a word to the Woodworking Gods
for you Mike. A good word.
You'll never get anywhere if you believe what you "hear". What do you
- Granny Weatherwax
dpb wrote:
> I have only one real complaint even though I really don't care about
> the plans a whit---
> That is, could you _PLEASE_ kill the stoopid sig line on at least
> these postings?
You are the only 1 that replied so far that needs to learn how to use
your filter to stop the posts by JT then you won't ever see anything
else he post unless it's in a reply someone else made. Then in most
cases the sig line will not be there.
Tom J
"J T" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> Anyway, some people here, quite a few as I understand it, have to
> pay by the minute for their computer access.
> By the way, for those that aren't aware, I'm the High Priest of the
> Woodworking Gods - I handle all their admin work. If you don't want
> them pissed at you it's considered police to send them a small sacrifce,
> in care of me. ....... For you sickos that send goats, I'm
> not gonna ask what your relationship with them was, but they'll just be
> used for BBQ
People who use cell phone to browse your links are more than likely the
majority of the population in the group that BBQs goats.
Here's a hint for them: research the 'BLOCK SENDER' feature for your
newsreader and quityerbitchin'.
[email protected] (J T) wrote:
> There's gonna be a few of you that aren't going to get it, but
> that's OK. Ask all the questions you want. Just don't count on
> answers
Did you want to say something about e-mail? <G>
Sat, Sep 23, 2006, 8:00am (EDT+4)
[email protected] (Lobby=A0Dosser) doth thoughtfully
Did you want to say something about e-mail? <G>
Oh, thank you, thank you, thank you. Forgot totally about that.
E-mail is always welcome, e-mail as often as you want. However, do
NOT send e-mail to me direct, it will just get discarded unread.
Instead, address all e-mail to: [email protected]
He screens all my e-mail for me now.
I am not paranoid. I do not "think" people are after me. I "know" damn
well they're after me.
[email protected] (J T) wrote:
> Sat, Sep 23, 2006, 8:00am (EDT+4)
> [email protected] (Lobby Dosser) doth thoughtfully
> query:
> Did you want to say something about e-mail? <G>
> Oh, thank you, thank you, thank you. Forgot totally about that.
> E-mail is always welcome, e-mail as often as you want. However,
> do
> NOT send e-mail to me direct, it will just get discarded unread.
> Instead, address all e-mail to: [email protected]
> (Lobby Dosser)
> He screens all my e-mail for me now.
Oh you .... hang on I've got mail
Sun, Sep 24, 2006, 2:52am (EDT+4) [email protected]
(Lobby=A0Dosser) doth answereth HIS e-mail thusly:
Oh you .... hang on I've got mail
You'll never get anywhere if you believe what you "hear". What do you
- Granny Weatherwax