

05/01/2007 9:24 AM

HTC Mobile Base 28 1/4" x 31 1/2"

If anyone's interested I'm trying to unload a new HTC mobile base.
This is not the Universal Bases (adjustable), it's a model HSO 434,
internal space = 28 1/4" x 31 1/2". I simply overbought for my shop
and don't have room to keep things like this hanging around 'just in
case'. I figured another woodworker might be able to use a decent
stand in their shop as well so I'd offer it here before putting it up
on EBay. If you have any interest, contact me.

Thanks and hope posting this doesn't freak everyone out. On another
note, if anyone knows where I can find a tape measure with finer
gradations than 1/32 please feel free to post a reply.


-Chris Messina