1. Do White Knights have the same 150% elemental advantage like mages
Yes, when you have L30 (max) of any charge, you will have 150%
advantage. Lower levels will have less elemental advantage.
2. What does Threaten do?
When maxed, Threaten will decrease enemy physical attack by 20%
(percent) or 20
points and enemy physical defense by 20 points or 20%. Whether it is
percent or
points is still under debate.
3. Does Ice Charge freeze monsters like Ice mage powers?
Yes, it does. It will freeze monsters for 1 second up to L15 ice
charge, and 2
seconds for higher levels. It has been rumored that in JMS the freeze
time has
been extended to 5-8 seconds.
4. What is the strongest warrior class?
There is no way to define the strongest class since there are so many
ways to
effectively kill monsters. But White Knights are arguably the most
5. Should I use BW or sword?
You may think that this is a obvious answer, however since the highest
level BW
are not released and we have no clue when they will be. It is not
advisable to
go BW at this moment.
6. Should I max fire or ice first?
Read guide.
7. Can White Knights KS?
Although it's not a good practice, it's very easy to get 140 speed.
With your
ultra-high damage at later levels, WK can KS many classes. I suggest
you don't
8. Are pages good for party?
Not really unfortunately, however once you become a White Knight
you'll be a
popular party choice.
9. Why should I be a White Knight: Crusaders can do 20000+ damage
easily and
Dragon Knights can tear up mobs better than any class?
White Knights are somewhat in the middle. They do almost the same
damage, if
not more, as a Crusader will do with five Power strikes + Panic. White
have the advantage of not having to charge up to do that damage.
Dragon Knight's are best at mobs, and only mobs. One-on-one, WK will
be the
winner when fighting an elementally weak monster. Although, if you
have a some
godly equipment, many WK have been known to hog the exp from DKs.
However, I
highly believe all three classes are useful in their own way. White
however are the biggest minority, thus you will receive more respect
and fame.
In addition, White Knight's name is arguably the best class name.
10. What about Improved MP Recovery and Shield Mastery?
Even if you are a 1H sword user, Shield Mastery is a waste of points.
There are
just too many other skills that need maxing in order to for you to be
a strong
character. Improved MP Recovery is also unadvisable until the last few
as a White Knight. There more important skills to max first.
11. Does Magic Attack affect White Knight damage?
An earlier guide proposed that the magic attack that was boosted in
the stat
screen reflected the percent of elemental advantage, we now know that
incorrect. Furthermore, it now known that Magic Attack and INT have no
influence on the damage dealt by Charges.
12. Does Charge Blow freeze if you had Ice Charge? So does Charge Blow
AND stun?
Yes, it does freeze if you had ice charge and no it doesn not stun
when used
with ice charge.
13. Should I max Magic Crush or Imp. MP Recovery?
Imp. MP Recovery maxed saves you around 186k meso per level. If you
feel this
is crucial, go ahead and max it, other wise find a balance between the
14. What kind of damage do White Knights do?
Personally, I hit 10k at level 83, and maxed out at 13.1k at level 101
with an
average damage of 10k per hit. Using Jymbo's damage calculator my
damage per
second was near 18-20k, higher than any class.
15. When can I be expected to hit 10k as a White Knight?
Most White Knights who use 2H swords hit 10k from Level 83 to Level
88. BW
users can hit early as Level 77-78. At Level 100, you're damage should
at 10k!