Hello Everyone,
After a three month wait, my jointer power feeder made its overseas journey
successfully, arriving at work a couple of weeks ago. Work on the house has
held up its installation until tonight.
I assembled the main components and laid them out to see what needed to go
I drilled and tapped two holes in the back of the jointers main casting to
receive the mounting bracket. It wasn't until after I had drilled the holes
that I noticed that I would not be able to swing a regular tap handle for
the hole nearest the fence mounting bracket. I didn't feel like removing the
fence so I used a 12 point 1/4" box end wrench, and with many 1/2 turns, I
had both holes tapped,
Time to mount the power feeder,
I have it so it is pulling just after the cutterhead. I feed the board about
6" past the cutterhead and the power feeder takes over.
I noticed right away that even with the turtle/hare speed selector in turtle
mode, the power feeder was going to be running too fast. I switched out the
primary set of gears for a second set that would allow it to run even
Time for a test run,
I was not sure what to expect for marks on the back of the board from the
power feeder; and I was happy to see virtually none,
Here is what the business end of the power feeder looks like,
I only ran the one test board tonight, but I am quite pleased. I have 1200
BF of cherry to turn into cabinets and trim around the house, this should
make it easier.
Thanks for looking,
Every Neighbourhood has one, in Mine I'm Him
Hello David,
Thanks for the post. On a few ocassions I thought about a power
feeder for my jointer too but that need is so rare. Anyway, does your
unit come with different sets of gears as standard equipment or is
this an option?
Let us know how the other 1197 bdft of cherry fare after going through
the feeder/jointer.