I am pleased to announce the following;
1. As I indicated in a topic back in June or July, I have opened an
online store for those people that want to purchase individual pieces
of UHMW polyethylene to make jigs with.
You can find this store at;
For the more adventurous among you, we are also stocking small pieces
of acetal/Delrin, which is a more slippery plastic than UHMW, some
different Nylon pieces and some Teflon. I am also planning to add a
really neat nameplate material that I have found and some aluminum
X-track when the opportunity presents itself. The stock is being
renewed on about a monthly basis, so visit often or subscribe to the
newsletter to receive notices when new stock is in.
2. I have also placed on Google groups an interactive Help site for
anybody that is looking for tips about how to work with UHMW. I have
tried to be exhaustive in the information that has been provided
(although I'm sure people will come up with things I have missed LOL).
You can find this group at;
There is a provision in this group to ask questions on things I have
not covered as well as to post pictures and descriptions of any
projects that you have made using UHMW.
As there is apparently NO existing place on the WWW that offers
specific help for users of UHMW, I thought this may be useful.
Both the store and the Help site have links to each other.
[email protected] wrote:
> Greetings,
> I am pleased to announce the following;
> 1. As I indicated in a topic back in June or July, I have opened an
> online store for those people that want to purchase individual pieces
> of UHMW polyethylene to make jigs with.
> You can find this store at;
> For the more adventurous among you, we are also stocking small pieces
> of acetal/Delrin, which is a more slippery plastic than UHMW, some
> different Nylon pieces and some Teflon. I am also planning to add a
> really neat nameplate material that I have found and some aluminum
> X-track when the opportunity presents itself. The stock is being
> renewed on about a monthly basis, so visit often or subscribe to the
> newsletter to receive notices when new stock is in.
> 2. I have also placed on Google groups an interactive Help site for
> anybody that is looking for tips about how to work with UHMW. I have
> tried to be exhaustive in the information that has been provided
> (although I'm sure people will come up with things I have missed LOL).
> You can find this group at;
> There is a provision in this group to ask questions on things I have
> not covered as well as to post pictures and descriptions of any
> projects that you have made using UHMW.
> As there is apparently NO existing place on the WWW that offers
> specific help for users of UHMW, I thought this may be useful.
> Both the store and the Help site have links to each other.